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Tag: Angular (527)

how to make drawer open by default also I am using angular app and I am trying to use this line KTDrawer.createInstances();but I don't know from where I can import KTDrawer
Hi,this code is not work from metronic, any one can guide us for solve this problem.I have light and dark theme files and mentioned in angular.json file as below:"styles": [ "src/styles.scss", { "input": "src/styles/themes/light.theme.scss", "bundleName": "lig...
Hi,I would like to know if you have any Angular components for the following editors that you support in the HTML version:QuillTinyMCECKEditorThank you!
I extracted the demo1 project and when i tried to npm install or npm install --legacy-peer-deps i had errors regarding Conflicting peer dependency: @angular/common@16.2.12npm ERR! node_modules/@angular/commonnpm ERR! peer @angular/common@"^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0" from @sweetalert2/ngx-sw...
Hello,When I set the data-kt-menu-trigger attribute to click in the search dropdown component, the menu is hidden automatically when clicking on the inner input control.I think that the
Hello Keenthemes Dev Team,I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out because I'm looking to update my Metronic template from version 8.1.7 to 8.2.1, as well as Angular from version 15 to version 16. However, I want to ensure that this update doesn't negatively impact my current project...
Hello team, I have noticed in these past few days the UI on your Medtronic angular demo site is breaking, the navigation bar is being blended with the background while scrolling, and the models of Filter, Create, and Edit are not showing. Can you help us out with this?here is the screenshot: htt...
Hello support team,I hope you are well. I'm writing to you because I'm having trouble using the Quick Search component in Metronic's Angular Demo 7 ( demo7/src/app/_metronic/layout/components/aside/tabs/projects-tab/search ).Unfortunately, despite my best efforts to implement it, I can't get...
Hello,When we add an anchor element with the attribute target="_blank" inside the app-search-results-inner component, clicking the link does not work:
Hello I'm having issues with my metronic app, I'm trying to export it with CapacitorJS to iOS and Android but.. the new phones has some notch and right now just using the browser you want to use 100% of the nav viewport but using native apps (capacitorJs) you dont want the 100% because you have issu...
Reproduce criteria-----------------------Even still not fixed in the latest version as well [Angular metronic_v8.2.3]Go to your preview URL left Side bar click on any of the Error Component and come back again on the d...
Hi,do you have an example how can I use the charts with firebase data? On Metronic Angular
Greetings,I like your solution, but i noticed the Angular version does not include all screens/components i expected to see, for starter i'm trying to find the ticket support screen but it is not included in the Angular version, should i take them from somewhere and manually add them to Angular?...
There are multiple issues with Server Side Rendering when using metronic and thats a top priority, and I would like create a new project(using Angular 17) and add the individual pieces of metronic to make it work. I'm trying to hover over the angular demo 1 magnifying glass and see the results, and...
Hi guys. I purchased Admin Rider and am trying to integrate it into my Angular solution. I'm having problems updating the Permission List using dynamic data loaded through *NgFor. Any ideas on how to do it?
I want to use the 'app-dropdown-menu1' component in a component linked to the module I recently created. However, even though there is no error, the dropdown is not functioning. I will write the HTML file of the component and the import sections of the module file for the component I'm using. Can yo...
When unchecking the Fixed Header option in Layout Builder, the menu leaks onto the screen when scrolling, it happens in demo1 and demo2 from what I noticed
Hi,I am using metronic angular version 8.2.2. I dynamically load the sidebar-menu but when I refresh my page, the relevant menu is not selected by default. What to do ?
Hello dear devs! I trust this message finds you well. I've been delving into Angular Metronic and had a query regarding font customization. Specifically, I'm curious about adjusting the font size to align with my project's design specifications. Could you kindly guide me on how to modify the font si...
Hi all,Is there a way I can improve the styes.scss bundle size? using just the 8.2.1 skeleton project it isstyles.d5205ccd91fc897d.css | styles | 1.56 MB | 89.89 kBThis is already exceeding the recommended 2mb total build size when with the other chunks.
Hello,we are using an old version of metronic, and we have used metronic with angular 8, now we upgraded version of angular to 17 with standalone structure. Does metronic compatible with angular 17 standalone structure or not?. If yes, how can we upgrade the version of metronic. Because of angular...