Following the instructions is confusing.I download from KeenThemes, but then there are instructions to also download from google drive and I don't know why or what the difference is. I follow the installation instructions:
The command ng build --prod its not working, it gave me the Error: Unknown argument: prodI want to use it because I want to have the AOT to be optimized. So right now I'm testing for first time the build option and I face this
I’ve purchased your theme on themeforest, however, We’d like to create a text box with a scrollbar to display our terms & conditions. Could you please guide us on how to achieve this in your Metronic theme, or suggest alternative methods if available? Your assistance in finding the best solution for...
I log in to the page with open Id conncet. After logging in, no action is performed as if the page is frozen, but after refreshing the page, all buttons and functions start working. Hoş Geldiniz! Burada oturum açabilirsiniz.
I am using Rider HTML free theme and trying to integrate in Angular but somehow some functionalities are not working like sidebar menu open, search menu open, profile menu open. I have added all styles and scripts in angular project still I am getting error
I've set up Angular demo-2 and attempted to implement right-to-left (RTL) styling using the guidelines from this link: However, when reaching step 9, instead of creating style.rtl.css as expected, style.js is generated. Despite t...
Hi ,I Have two question. 1- if I Purchase metronic template , I have access to all Templates and themes for Angular ,Html , Vue , ect.. ? 2- are templates Support RTL Mode?thanks
This problem actually exists in the Angular Metronic demo as well ( So I have a menu; some have submenus and some do not.
Hello, I was trying to switch between RTL to LTR with Angular and I have implemented this waydocument.querySelector("link[href='styles.css']")?.setAttribute('id', 'main-layout');this.translationService.updateLangLayout();updateLangLayout(lang? : string){ if(lang){ if (l...
I am thinking about to buying a metronic theme for Angular but i couldn't find any information about structure.I wonder is application comes with standalone structure? What is the version of Angular? I want to use bootstrap aswell is it possible?I need those information before buying. Please...
I have a component that contains a modal. The template complains that "The event onDismiss is not emitted by any applicable directives nor by app-modal element.The component code relevant import looks like so:import {ModalComponent, ModalConfig} from "../../../../_metronic/partials";
Hi,I have a question, how can I change dynamically the css files to rtl when I change the language while the project is running and change it back to ltr once I change the language back
In the app.component.ts, the '@Component' decorator uses the selector "body[root].I have followed the Microsoft Documentation to include MSAL in our project (default auth has been removed from the project while following the skeleton guide)For MSAL to work, the app component needs the selec...
Hello,Please update Metronic v9 guide so we can get all the HTML sample pages to work with the sidebar buttons for React/Vue/Angular. As per instructions, we are only copying the media folder to Public folder, and when running the application, the right pane is empty. it would be great...
Hi, The Demo1 for Angular only comes shipped with Chat app. Where can I get the source for the other apps like e-commerce, file manager, etc. I downloaded the metronic_v8.1.1 from themeforest.
Hello,I'd like to use the Craft template in our Angular project, but I can't find any information about it.The goal is to integrate the Craft template with Angular.What about Angular 14? Is that supported?
Please i saw that demo 6 has a POS app, but when i downloaded, i did not see that module in my files, and am very hurt by that. Is there something you can do about it, thank you.