hi there,
is there any way to make splash screen as loadin/progress screen while getting response from api?
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hi there,
im using ngx spinner. works perfectly.
Thanks for your feedback!
Yes, you can create a splash screen that serves as a loading or progress screen while waiting for a response from an API in an Angular application. Here's a general outline of how to achieve this:
Create a Splash Component: First, create a new Angular component for your splash screen. You can use the Angular CLI to generate a new component:
ng generate component splash
< app-splash *ngIf="showSplash"></app-splash>
< app-root *ngIf="!showSplash"></app-root>
// Inside your component when start calling API
showSplash = true;
ngOnInit() {
// Simulate an API request
(response) => {
// Process the response data
// ...
// Hide the splash screen
this.showSplash = false;
(error) => {
// Handle errors
// ...
// Hide the splash screen
this.showSplash = false;
Great Thanks! ... let me try this and get back to you if any issue.