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I purchased the Craft theme from the Bootstrap theme store and I want customize the charts but everything seems to hard coded in the widgets.js file. What is the recommended way to go about these chart usable with server side data?
Demo 2 Layout builder of Keen template is including aside panel when it's selected as well as not selected.
The GOOD template is sold as containing the warm feel.This does not work, just try it on your preview version, it doe not work there either.If you customize to warm feel nothing happens, there is only cool feel.I have tried recompiling the css no change.Could you please look into this?
Hi,I need to setup to Rails 7.1 or if it is not possible, please refund the order 155239 from getbootstrap. Thanks,
Hello,I'm creating a list of users and I'd like to add a drop-down list for each user line with all the possible actions for each user.The problem is how to generate one and only one drop-down list per user. In fact, I generate a button for each user, but the drop-down menu is identical....
Hello, I just purchased the Keen theme, but I'm having a hard time integrating it with my NextJS application.Using the compiled version returns errors and i've also tried the source file to no good effect. Something always breaks.I need this for an urgent project. I would love your quick sup...
1. Looks like a bug on TinyMCE plugin example html starts withbut the javascript references the 'basic' instead of 'plugins'...
Hi, I bought Good v1.1.2 and downloaded the Starter kit but I didn't get the Blazor starter project. Where do I download the Blazor starter project? Do I need to buy a Metronic license to download it?Please let me know.Thanks,Russ FontaineFontaine dbMax Solutions, Incfontainerc@d...
Hello, I bought this "Keen v3.0.6" theme to add to my project.The structure is different, so we use the sass directory.This does not include the path or specifications for loading the icons fonts.If I use the supplied styles and compare them with the compiled ones they are different by default...
\starterkit\assets>npm run buildnpm ERR! Missing script: "build"npm ERR!npm ERR! To see a list of scripts, run:npm ERR! npm runnpm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: C:\Users\athamma\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_logs\2024-01-23T07_25_47_443Z-debug-0.log
i purchased the keen theme from have the static source but not the starterkits how do i get them ?
Hello,I just tried to set up the theme into an Angular project. I built the yarn and gulp files, and then I copied and pasted the assets into my Angular project.Here, I have two issues:1. Angular and the theme assets are found, but I get this...
Hello, friends. Just bought Good template to implement admin panel for my website.I use Laravel 10 framework. Laravel uses Vite out of the box for all frontend cases.I have a problems with integration, too many files and I don't know which of files I have to use and how to use for convenient usa...
i am facing problem in metronic theme in old version but i have a new version of node js Error:-ERROR in ./src/_metronic/assets/sass/style.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[1].oneOf[7].use[1]!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[1].oneOf[7].us...
Hi, based on user data retrieved from the server, I need to dynamically create action button - Toggle drop down (which will show edit / delete button) . When I click this button , Menu is not opening. Template : Seven Html 1.1.4Page : User Management / User
Following latest update on Start bootstrap theme, the dark mode button is not present in the layout, also on manually changing the theme mode to dark, the body background, card heading, etc don’t display well.
Hi,I have created a 'clean' install of Craft template.Withing the gulp.config.js file, I have only amended 'path' and 'dist' values to reflect my local set up.When running 'gulp' only the plugins folder is being being generated, no CSS/Media etc.Any ideas why this would be happening?...
Hi,I purchased the Start – Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Theme from site. There it shows version v1.0.9, however the current version in the hosted demo site is v1.1.4 Changelog says this as well.Start HTML Pro v1.1.4 - 9 November, 2023How to download the l...
Hi - We purchased Keen from the GetBootstrap marketplace, and are trying to use the LayoutBuilder to export components. The form is working, but it will export components only for the "home" page of the theme, which has no navbar in the header and drops that content in a right-hand sidebar inst...
i'm using style.bundle.css only with vue vite. All css are working as expected except background color on button is transaparent when hovering.