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Tag: Gulp (76)

We've just downloaded the current version (8.2.6).Followed the video tutorial to setup your first project.When we run gulp --demo1, the images are copied however they are corrupt. This from googling means they are being compressed, however we cannot see any reference to compress...
Hi there,Regarding DataTables, I've noticed a strange issue. When I use webpack to build the project, the icons for pagination and the position of the page numbers look odd, and the search box also appears unexpectedly. Any thoughts on this?
Hi TeamThere is an error Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/xxxxxxx/xxxxx/xxxx/ims/node_modules/@yaireo/tagify/dist/tagify.min.jsI tried with npm install but this keep coming
I downloaded metronic_laravel_v8.2.5.zipfollowed the instructions in says [webpack-cli][Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory .../metronic_laravel_v8.2.5/starterkit/node_modules/@yaireo/tagify/dist/tagify...
Im using version: "8.2.5",const gulpConfig = {name: "metronic",desc: "Gulp build config",version: "8.2.5", I changed the gulp file & config to remove jquery and got this error while compiling assests using Gulp :sh-3.2# gulp --demo41Using gulp config file...
Hi,Everything was working well until mid-March (around the 16th or 17th). I would compile using the gulp compile command on my production server before handing things over to Nginx:...# Load environment variables from the env fileCOPY $ENV_FILE .envRUN chmod +r .env...
Good morning,To begin with, I am using the "Getting Started" (Located: to look at the base application. It has been some time and I was wanting to refresh myself; however, I've hit a snag. The first time I installed this I...
I am having the following error:ReferenceError: axios is not definedI am running the demo1 from Metronic v8.2.3.I've tried call axios from browser console in the file demo1/authentication/layouts/creative/sign-in.html and have the same error.In the package.json the package i...
I followed instruction in is the output that I get when running gulp --demo1. What did I do wrong? Thank you for your help.D:\COMPANIES\CV Software\Projects\iSpeak\SOLUTION\iSpeakCore\metronic_v8.2.3\metronic_asp....
In gulp.config.js the following lines need to be fixed:src: "../src/{theme}/{demo}",common_src: "../src/{theme}/{demo}",The placeholder {demo} has to be removed to get the build working. Otherwise only the plugin assets will be generated.It should be:src: "../src/{theme}/",common...
Hello,When trying to build assets i get the following error. I can not seem to get passed it. Does anyone have an idea what this might be and how to solve this?~/Metronic/_keenthemes/tools$ gulp --demo31Using gulp config file: "../../gulp.config.js"[23:33:56] Using gulpfile ~/Metron...
\starterkit\assets>npm run buildnpm ERR! Missing script: "build"npm ERR!npm ERR! To see a list of scripts, run:npm ERR! npm runnpm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: C:\Users\athamma\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_logs\2024-01-23T07_25_47_443Z-debug-0.log
I have npm version 10.2.3. I tried running the following commands:npm install --global yarnnpm install --global gulp-cliBut when I check the versions to see if yarn or gulp has been installed, I get:zsh: command not found: yarnzsh: command not found: gulpNot sure what I'm doing w...
I want to setup a webpack watch system in my project in the following structureviews/-- assets/-- src/-- tools/I changed the webpack and gulp config to match the new dir structure change ( demo1/assets )but I'm getting errors like```Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modul...
I'm following the Quick Start instructions located at: extracted html demo1. I am in the tools directory and as mentioned in the guide, I am supposed to run the 'yarn' command (Step 7) but I am getting an error.He...
hii was reading through the docs about webpack/gulp for building the files, but i dont see anything about plugins for code splitting / tree shaking / minifying / etc. etc. i also noticed that the demo theme has alot of unused js/css so im a bit suspicious about that.can someone provide s...
Hello, i want to ovveride the .container-xxl max width and make it as the demo1 full width of the screen @media (min-width: 1400px).container, .container-lg, .container-md, .container-sm, .container-xl, .container-xxl { max-width: 1320px;}where can i find this part in the saas...
Hello. Node: v20.7.0yarn: 1.22.19OpenServer: PHP 8.1Version metronic: metronic_laravel_v8.2.1.zipHave a npm run dev command error: # npm run dev> dev> npm run development> development> mix[webpack-cli] TypeError: object null is not iterable (cannot...
I am a new developer. I have created custom mic.js, camera.js and support-chat.js and support-chat.scss. how do I compile these so they move from SRC to dist?
hi there,in the metronic symfony starterkit there are 2 package.json inside the _keenthemes/tools folder:{ "name": "keenthemes", "version": "1.0.0", "author": "Keenthemes", "license": "ISC", "homepage": "", "description": "Packages used...
Hi,How can I run gulp only on changed files? now it seems to be compiling everything when change is detected. This is wasting some time unnecessarily.
I recently bought Metronic dashboard on Envato Market, I was extremely impressed by its demo. When I bought, downloaded, and followed the install & set up docs for Django, but when I completed I only got the single dashboard page and sidebar list with no response to those pages. How can I get all ot...