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Tag: Asp.Net Core (150)

When i define datatable i ghet this error in my index page, where can i put my script to define datatable after jquery and others scripts loaded?ndex:9215 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
I transferred the contents under the dist folder and everything seems fine. But the file input css is broken and I think there are other things I missed. Can you help?
I am working on a Blazor project which will use Metronic. I'd like to use the latest and greatest, and really like what I see in the Metronic 9 Tailwind release. While it would be great to have offical Blazor support available, I understand that could take some time and am fine to adapt the html ver...
webpack-cli Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialized using a configuration object that does not match the API schema. - configuration[0].entry['js/widgets.bundle'] should be a non-empty array. All modules are loaded upon startup. The last one is exported.obtive pacote pel...
I have a metronic(8.2.6) file,file directory - > Starterkit->_keenthemes|bin|Controllers|obj|Properties|Resources|Views|wwwrootNow,I create a Core MVC Project,and i need put metronic JS、CSS、and other Files into my project.Where can i find this fi...
Hi everyone,I'm encountering several issues with the Datatable library and could use some assistance.Datatable Library Broken in Version 8.2.5:I've noticed that the Datatable library appears to be broken in version 8.2.5. Has anyone else experienced this issue? If so, what steps did you ta...
The situation is that I use the theme Jet pro for my project in core MVC but the option for change the theme dark and light does not work in other views and with renderbody either, the theme charge in Layout principal but in other views not
Hi, I have your theme built and running correctly using either demo1 or demo30.In the HTML examples you have 4 possible layouts: Corporate, Overlay, Creative, Fancy.I wanted to switch between them (for example, from this
Hello,I just bought theme and download starterkit for ASP.NET. Build went fine and app is running, i dont have errors in console but navigation to other pages is just not working, i do get refresh and i see redirect url but it always shows multipurpose dashboard.Can you provide me some infor...
➜ Local: http://localhost:00/ X [ERROR] Failed to resolve entry for package "http". The package may have incorrect main/module/exports specified in its package.json. [plugin vite:dep-pre-bundle]...
Hi,After downloading Metronic ASP.NET Core 8.2.5 and following the instructions from Getting Started doc using yarn install and gulp --demo1 when running the project, it runs just fi...
Hello,I am currently trying to Invoke the api-keys.js file and run KTAccountAPIKeys.init in my Blazor File. My Component looks like this:@inject IJSRuntime JS@inject NavigationManager NavManager@code { protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender...
Hi,Using .NET Core 8 for our projects.What is the best way to switch between Development and Release environments when using the themesettings.json file and Metronic?We want to use all minified files in Release and unminified for Development. Usually in the layout files, we'd use a tag l...
Hi, could you please explain in steps how to use the files we obtain from the Layout Builder and integrate them to an existing ASP.NET Core MVC StarterKit project?Where should we include the files? I couldn´t find the documentation about that.Thank you very much!
Hello;I am using the starter kit and wish to disable the top menu (the one horizontal one that duplicates the left hand vertical menu).The layout builder lets me do that, but I cannot find instructions on how to integrate changes made there with the Visual Studio project.Thank you
I finally able to run ASP CORE demo 1. However, whatever I click, the address changes to the link I click, but it always displays the dashboard default index page. Nothing is functional. Please help. Thank you.
After I follow all the instruction here ,I run dotnet watch. The website loads but there is no css styling at all. just texts. I tried running the csproject using visual studio but it does the same. Help!
I followed instruction in is the output that I get when running gulp --demo1. What did I do wrong? Thank you for your help.D:\COMPANIES\CV Software\Projects\iSpeak\SOLUTION\iSpeakCore\metronic_v8.2.3\metronic_asp....
Hi,I'm customizing the UI as per my requirements. Now, I want to change the LTR to RTL at runtime. I found that themesetting.json can do that switching. But It doesn't do on runtime. How can I make it? Please give me complete instructions for this problem.It would be a great thing if you res...
Hello,When I run gulp --demo1 for core, I get the following error. I use Metronic 8.2.3 is the latest version and Windows 11 Pro. I tried it on a MacBook Pro and got the same error. How can I solve this?"Thank you,MustafaUsing gulp config file: "../../gulp.config.js"[16:31:...
Hello There, On my MacBook Pro, I have all the necessary requirements. I ran 'yarn install' in the ASP.NET Core starter kit, but I received these outputs and warnings: how will my project be affected by these 'yarn install' failed situations? What do the failures mean? What should I do? How can...
Does the Regular Licence has all the apps and features ?