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Tag: SASS (106)

Does Give Free Contacts ?In the Assisted offering, the user is free to contact housing customer service 9341304155 an unlimited number of contacts on the Housing ...
Hello, we are using Metronic React theme in our project and I wanted to know if there is a guide to customize the whole bootstrap theme. I understand that we can override sass variables like "$primary" in - /src/_metronic/assets/sass/components/_variables.custom.scssBut where can I include funct...
Bootstrap has the following css style that covers both readonly and disabled inputs.form-control:disabled, .form-control[readonly] { background-color: #e9ecef; opacity: 1;}but metronic only implements the disabled CSS and not the readonly one, when it reall...
I am using metronic demo 6 react version. In the mobile view there are 2 icons. Clicking on each icon it should open a toggle from left and one from right accordingly (as it is in html version).Right now only the right toggle is working. We need to make the toggle appear from the left as well. I tr...
After we download the program from Themeforest. The colors in the assets\cssstyle.bundle.css file do not match the colors in the document. It causes a lot of troubles. Can it be solved?For example, in the program: --bs-primary: #009ef7;And i...
How do I update the CSS and SASS only in vuejs demo 1 to get the keenIcons?
Hi there,Thank you for a great product!We're wanting to build a Single Page Application using Metronic. Do you have any pointers for where to start with this? We have the backend content ready, but would like some guidance on how to structure the app best, for optimal frontend performance an...
Hi,I set auto width for both menu & sub menu in dropdown menu but it works on only menu, not sub menu.
Hi there,I am using metronic under Wordpress and understrap theme (underscore + bootstrap).To implement metronic into Wordpress theme, I used the html source files and scss files under src folder instead of style.bundle.cssWhen adding some module or page of the template, everything is work...
the border: 1px solid var(--bs-gray-300) ; , box-shadow: none; this line are over writtenthat is cauzing the boder to dispaly nont Old code .react-select-styled .react-select { &__control { --bs-form-select-bg-img: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='
I want to change font family to Cairo i try change $font-family-sans-serif in "_variables.scss"$font-family-sans-serif: "Cairo", Helvetica, "sans-serif" !default;and add this link to index.html
Hi,Im trying to use the syles from here (ex: font-weight-bolder, .navi), but they are not present in the demo1 template HTML downloaded from Themeforest.Is there any file other than the global ones that I need to import or they are different templates?Im trying to copy the style from the...
Hello, I bought this "Keen v3.0.6" theme to add to my project.The structure is different, so we use the sass directory.This does not include the path or specifications for loading the icons fonts.If I use the supplied styles and compare them with the compiled ones they are different by default...
Hi,I'm using demo6, but this problem is probably in all demos.It's quite common to have logout via POST, so would it be possible to style buttons in the dropdown menus, so it would look the same as the other menu links? something like this
Existe un error de programación al momento de registrar a alguien nuevo desde el Sign Up. Arroja el error: Sorry, looks like there are some errors detected, please try again. Realice una solicitud hace tres semanas atrás por una solución porque al revisar el foro de preguntas existen otros usuarios...
Is there a specific .scss file in this whole bundle where you'd suggest we just add our custom CSS rules?If not, how do you suggest we go about adding a custom.scss file and having it compiled into the bundle.css?
Hello, friends. Just bought Good template to implement admin panel for my website.I use Laravel 10 framework. Laravel uses Vite out of the box for all frontend cases.I have a problems with integration, too many files and I don't know which of files I have to use and how to use for convenient usa...
I am unable to change the primary color in the _variables.custom.scss file, and the changes not apply.
Hello, i want to ovveride the .container-xxl max width and make it as the demo1 full width of the screen @media (min-width: 1400px).container, .container-lg, .container-md, .container-sm, .container-xl, .container-xxl { max-width: 1320px;}where can i find this part in the saas...
hello, in the theme for e.g. There are sections where I want to be able to toggle/resize or hide the top big buttons sections can you please can we change the background for the toggle sectionshow we we make it...