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Tag: Angular (527)

when i import ToastrModule in app,module.tsimport { ToastrModule } from 'ngx-toastr'; imports: [ToastrModule],getting these error:-Error: node_modules/ngx-toastr/toastr/toast-noanimation.component.d.ts:49:18 - error TS2707: Generic type 'ɵɵComponentDeclaration' requires between 7 an...
Hi,I'm using metronic template v8.17, I'm try to view using Ipad Mini (using developer tools chrome) but left sidebar menu can't show even if I'm click burger menu at header.But I can toggle right sidebar menus normally, is that any config to make left sidebar menus normal in Ipad Mini view?
how to swap between RTL and LTR SCSS file when I use LTR I should use part of SCSS and when I use RTL I should use different part of SCSS in style.angular.scss using LTR // Angular vendors@import "~socicon/css/socicon.css";@import "~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css";@impo...
Hi;I use metronic 8 html version demo35 implemention to my angular 15 project and js imported after error "KTUtil is not defined"can you help me for this problemThanks Keen Team.
how to make sidebar at the right of the page when change language from English to Arabic
am trying to use the custom styles in my project and I can't I am getting now errorswill tell you the steps till i get the error first create angular project with this version 15.2.9then i add ngbootsrap wo my project then copy all sass folder and subfolder into my project then do this i...
I purchased the metronic theme, and I can’t seem to find all of the content advertised. In fact, what I received in the download is a fraction of what was advertised. Im looking at the angular files. Can someone tell me how to access the files for the create a project modal wizard, the school da...
how i can use dynamic menu in metronic 8with metronic 7 there is a dynamic-header-menu.config.ts/dynamic-aside-menu.config.ts, but i can't find them in metronic 8
hello I am using Angular and I want to buy only one component, such as the Sidebar Layout. Is it possible?
i downloaded the latest version of angular metronic , it's not working as expected with many errors and missing icons.. print screen
metronic latest version we will use the angular version included in metronic 7 until the angular crud is added.the crud and table features have been added very nicely, but the function of uploading files and adding images is missing herewe would like to add the function of adding images and...
Hi,I want to translate below "message" according to the selected language, but I dont find a way to do so? Can I do it in the html file itself? using "{{ "AUTH.VALIDATE.REQUIREDMESSAGE" | translate }}" gives error to me.
We are evaluating purchasing the Metronic theme, but wanted to understand support and maturity for Angular 15. Please advise.
Hi,I bought the metronic theme but can't see the library in the demos like buttons alert or anything else. Where can I access to the all components?
Hi i am looking forward to purchasese the theme our project is in angular and react.If i purchase the theme will i get the files for just angular or is it both?? and is there a seperate link to download the angular theme.Thanks,
Hello, How can I add element files from html demo to angular project for example:I need to use "Select2" ( from html version to Angular version , so I took plugins.bundle.css and plugins.bundle.js from html demo version an...
I purchased metronic theme in 2019 not used till now - trying to setup angular front end but shows only html thingshow to setup angular for metronic
Hello, is metronic angular framework use webpack? and can be convert to micro-fe?Thanks
There is a bug in the Angular demo 1 menu.When I select the side menu Pages -> Profile -> Overview and then click on Dashboard the Pages menu does not collapse automatically and when I go to manually collapse it does not close.
how to add rtl support and Arabic language on the language switch button in metronic angular theme demo1 also the color switch from dark to white
I purchased a Metronic license through Themeforest and I was able to log in and download the new version no problem but when I go to get the Angular Demo's I need to log into KeenThemes to do that and I did not have a keenthemes account, or if I did its very old and has not been logged into in a ver...