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Metronic (4309)

Hi,Metronic's by default includes all its available resources within the gulp config so the bundle size of the compiled CSS/JS files. To reduce the file size of the CSS/JS bundle files follow the below steps: Open theme/tools/gulp.config.js and refer to base->global->src
+91 7683831728.In case the complainant is not satisfied with the settlement of the complaint by the Grievance Redressal Officer of the NBFC, he/she may approach the nearest office.Meesho grievance can be taken up with the Grievance Redressal Officer.
How can I get in touch with Myntra executive?answers. To reach Myntra's customer service team, you can call them at 07077940622/ or you can email them at
I'm using Metronic 9.0.3 Tailwind Next. I downloaded the tailwind next project from github and applied metronic 9.0.3.The project ran perfectly, but when I click on a sidebar menu, the selected item is not marked with the active css class. Regardless of which menu I click on, it changes the page...
Hi,I mentioned this issue a long time ago but it has not been fixed so I want to remind you. the above link, the tooltip "Change avatar" wi...
Hii,I got sidebar scroll issue as shown in below screencast. When I move to any pages which don't have side bar i.e. in 404 page as shown in video, Then I move back to pages in which side bar is there then in this case sidebar hang up and can't able to scroll sidebar. I must refresh page for wor...
Hi, I have used Metronic 8 Vue and HTML templates before and I was really pleased with them. I heard Metronic 9 Tailwind is out. But there is something I don't understand; Isn't the Metronic 9 Tailwind template included with the vue.js version? Is there only an HTML version? Kind regards...
Hello,We would like to convert our system to the Metronic theme and are currently checking whether/how we can implement this. The application is based on Symfony (version 4) and an old, different admin template (based on bootstrap 3.3.7) which is no longer available. I think we have more experie...
Hi I have is install the metronic laravel starter kit on a webserver and when i try to login with the demo credentials the login form did'nt work. The error in my log is. I have done all the steps. In my local host work perfectly. But when i deploy it to webserver i get this error.40...
Hello,Where can I find a previous versions of Metronic releases? I want to update my current version and my developer is asking for the previous versions to make an update incremental.Thanks
Hello,I am using your Laravel Starter Kit with Bootstrap 5 in the latest version. There seems to be an issue when using Bootstrap DataTables with the data-sort attribute. Columns that have data-sort in their td elements receive left space, causing the contents to be shifted to the right.he...
Hello guys.I have a quick and silly question. Everything that I see on the "Live Preview" is available in React version, correct ?
Hello!After carrying out all the steps to integrate version 9 with laravel, when I open the page, the following error returns in console.logUncaught ReferenceError: KTDom is not defined at app-yk-ydo9-.js:16:16314I checked to see if I hadn't forgotten anything, apparently ever...
I was patiently waiting for metronic to release on next, meanwhile i decided to code some pages in a simple react app. Fast forward to today;I was trying to move my application, so I did setup metronic with next.js following the given commands on the guide and I got this error:
Hello!I've noticed we dont have the github project available anymore.Can you please, add it back?Its much better to keep up-to-date with metronic source code changes.The idea of having a branch for each major version is also very nice.Thanks!
Hi, I've followed this guide to integrate Metronic 9 with Vuejs. I'm running Vue router so, as mentioned in the guide, I'm initializing KTComponent like this:// index.tsimport KTComponent...
Hello,Is there a way to load data without using apiEndpoint? I would like to create my custom function to load the data and then pass it to the DataTable instance.Is this possible in Metronic 9 Tailwind?Cheers,OZ
Hello, Do you guys have a sample codes or demo of a DataTables with subTable that both uses ajax to display data? I am currently using metronic v8.
I have these dependencies and are stopping me from deploying to production at Microsoft DevOps or GitHub. Can you help?npm warn deprecated inflight@1.0.6: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requ...
Hello,Please update Metronic v9 guide so we can get all the HTML sample pages to work with the sidebar buttons for React/Vue/Angular. As per instructions, we are only copying the media folder to Public folder, and when running the application, the right pane is empty. it would be great...
Everything is running in development mode. But after building it shows black screen , no errors nothing. How can i resolve this?