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Tag: Datatables (223)

Hello,I am using your Laravel Starter Kit with Bootstrap 5 in the latest version. There seems to be an issue when using Bootstrap DataTables with the data-sort attribute. Columns that have data-sort in their td elements receive left space, causing the contents to be shifted to the right.he...
Hello,Is there a way to load data without using apiEndpoint? I would like to create my custom function to load the data and then pass it to the DataTable instance.Is this possible in Metronic 9 Tailwind?Cheers,OZ
Hi KeenThemes Team,I am reaching out to report an issue with our recent changes to the CRUD module. Despite making changes to the button icons and text, these updates are not reflecting in production after the production build.Specifically, we have updated the button styles, including changi...
Im begginer at laravel, and I cant figured out how to make a datatable with multiple datatables infoI made a new table called clientsI add a field called clientid to the users tableSo a client could have multiple users assignedThe datatable shows succesfully the clients table inf...
Im using the Default Download button on the template But the problem is not downloading the whole table , only the page 1here is the code on how I implement it ,Im using laravel and datatable , then fetch by ajax to processAny idea will help thanks $(document).ready(function() {...
Hi,using Metronic Laravel 8.2.5 and self implementing Yajra Datatable, I found this "bug" for which when a head column (the title of a column) is clicked to apply its ordering on the table the head title switch from alignment lef to alignment right.When clicked the title changes classes, how...
hi,i have buy your script and i wanne use the laravel but i get a error : SQLSTATE[42000] : Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes (Connection: mysql, SQL: alter table `permissions` add unique `permissions_name_guard_name_unique`(`na...
Hey,I'm trying to integrate ColReorder for Datatables. It has bootstrap5 styles here and see the example here: checked the package.json and the styles for it already included in your bundle. But when I try to use...
Hey Sean,I'm adding colvis as part of buttons with this configuration: buttons: [ 'copy', 'excel', 'pdf', 'colvis' ], you add necessary options for dt-button-active class to make it work properly? Any workaround class...
Hi there,Was just wondering how I can implement the default search option that uses in the top-right of my table. Thanks.
So, I just started using Metronic in my company and I'm working on emulating what a colleague has selected and composed from the Html demo (some lists, some filters, some dashboard elements, etc.).At the start I've struggled a lot, the Laravel documentation is truly meagre and the overall explan...
Hi everyone,I'm encountering several issues with the Datatable library and could use some assistance.Datatable Library Broken in Version 8.2.5:I've noticed that the Datatable library appears to be broken in version 8.2.5. Has anyone else experienced this issue? If so, what steps did you ta...
im having table with the personalization of the ajax table in the standard metronic template for angular.this is how i personalized the datatableConfig in my component: this.datatableConfig = { serverSide: false, autoWidth: true, lengthChange: true, pageLength: 10,...
Dear support,Our current system was built using Keen Theme 1.4.9. We are trying to upgrade to Keen Theme 3.0.7. We are having issues with our data tables. We have a lot of data tables with server side processing, paging, responsiveness and grouping turned on. It all worked fine in the old Keen 1...
I noticed that there's a script separately inside the following folders; signup, signin, reset-passwordThe views renders the signup.html templates. I tried to include the backend logic inside the script inside of the signup folder to save a user's data to my postgres database b...
I am using the latest version of Metronic 8.2.5 with DataTables Bootstrap 5 styling. However Metronic does not seem to respect the new layout option provided by Datatables.For example when I initialize my table with below code but Metr...
Sorry if there is an answer on the site.How can I send form data to my php file for processing?There are no problems with MySQL.The form will be verified with data, that’s good. you please supply us with the JS code / changes to the example code above that would allow us to feed the subtable data via API instead of the hardcoded demo data as in that example?I can't find any examples of...
Hi,I have been using Metronic version 2.0.2, which featured an editable table page using the DataTables plugin with inline editing and adding rows directly within the table. This differed from the current implementation that relies on modal-based CRUD operations.I've started using the curren...
After upgrading my project from version 8.2.0 to version 8.2.5, the responsible datatables do not work with the data-priority attribute, instead a horizontal scrollbar is generated in the table, and an plus icon (+) is positioned in at the beginning of every line.
I have the same question as can modify everything else in the datatables so far by modifying datatables in /assets/js/custom/apps/user-management/users/list/table.js, except for option pagingType/paginationType. It keeps showi...