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Tag: Laravel (877)

Hello Keenthemes,I am using Inputmask library in my Inertiajs using Vuejs application. As said in the documentation, its included globally in plugins.bundle.js file.But still i am not seeing masking applied on my inputs. Is their any specific wayPlease help.Thanks
So am trying to use many modals on a single page with @include syntax to include modals and it appears because of the way the frontend is been layed out, pls how can i include multiple modals on a page
what is best practice for charging demo5 slug to my own: etc. coretheme.i know no one looks inside page source view but demo word in css links looks not good for my brains ;)do i need search and replace all files and code for word demo5? or it's easer way to do it? any tutorials welcome.
Hi,I'm using Metronic 8 with Laravel, and there are some tables such as 'roles', 'permissions', 'role_has_permissions', 'model_has_roles' and 'model_has_permissions' to handle authorization.I couldn't figure out how to use these tables, especially last two tables. Also, there is no field in a...
I am using this code."use strict";// Class definitionlet KTSearch = function () { // Private variables let form; // Init Select2 const initSelectXYZ = () => { // Init Select2 --- more info: $('[name="provincia_id"]').s...
Can make a metronic 9 datatable responsive like this other version?
Hi, Am have implemented this and was able to make the listing dynamic, but encountered a problem with the Action menu, it does not popup when clicked.
Hello,Why Laravel Demo6 doesn't come like all 12 dashboards even after:npm run devnpm run dev --demo6$theme->setDemo('demo6'); in AppServiceProvider.phpCan you help me?Thanks
Hi,from your documentation to include
Anyone can help me to separate frontend and backend routes in Metronic laravel version?Thanks !
I need help resolving errors which appear when I integrate Metronic 8 - Demo 6 HTML into Laravel 8. I have tried using the assets function to load css/js resources which loads them successfully but the errors persist.These are the Errors> UnCaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined...
working on localhost but not working on server. login, sign up not working....and currently its working in public folder, how to move it to main root folder?
Hello,I purchased the "Good" theme, I followed the documentation at the "Server Side Integration" section step by step, starting with a fresh inst...
Hello,In Laravel code, there is toastr on success and error msg,I want to customise this toastr style,Where is that html?``` document.addEventListener('livewire:init', () => { Livewire.on('success', (message) => { toastr.success(messa...
Hi,I have already existed pubished project ith Metronic 8 laravel version,when I try to integrate Vue code, I faced aot of problems, because it cannot find app.js of vueCan you please give me steps to perform task?
When Trying to install starter kit of Metronic laravel theme i am getting following error:TypeError: object null is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator)) at C:\Users\Kashif\Downloads\themeforest-Y9tF6thq-metronic-responsive-admin-dashboard-template\laravel\laravel_demo1...
I used the log/audit page example to create a new page and the datatable shows up fine, but I can not get the export buttons to show.public function html(): HtmlBuilder { return $this->builder() ->setTableId('users-table') ->columns($this->...
Hello, after downloading the Metronic V7 I tried to install it following the instructions on the page: I have an error when generating the Build assets.
Hello, im using LARAVEL THEME (Starter Kit) 8.2.3I need to add my custom.css where i need to include?Thanks
Hello, first time poster!Today while setting up the theme with Laravel (v8.2.5) that the resources\views\partials\modals\create-project\_main.blade.php files has some badly spelled blade directive on the bottom portion (from line 66 to 72) where the expressed directive are written "@incldue" ins...
Hi, I have a question about the Laravel version of the first demo template.When we checked in the Laravel version is just a really limited thing available but in HTML everything is there. Is that because the Laravel version is not fully done yet or can we have seen or use all the functio...