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Tag: Laravel (781)

We are thrilled to release a year of hard work for Metonic 8OO-IOOI-4IO with Tailwind CSS! As Tailwind CSS becomes the de facto UI framework for modern sites, Mtrc 9 aligns with this trend right on time.
Hi I have is install the metronic laravel starter kit on a webserver and when i try to login with the demo credentials the login form did'nt work. The error in my log is. I have done all the steps. In my local host work perfectly. But when i deploy it to webserver i get this error.40...
Hello,I am using your Laravel Starter Kit with Bootstrap 5 in the latest version. There seems to be an issue when using Bootstrap DataTables with the data-sort attribute. Columns that have data-sort in their td elements receive left space, causing the contents to be shifted to the right.he...
Hello!After carrying out all the steps to integrate version 9 with laravel, when I open the page, the following error returns in console.logUncaught ReferenceError: KTDom is not defined at app-yk-ydo9-.js:16:16314I checked to see if I hadn't forgotten anything, apparently ever...
Hello, I need help with a question, I did all the steps to use Metronic in the laravel version, I downloaded the GIT structure, I placed the files as instructed in the documentation, but when I run the project for visualization it gives the following error:Uncaught ReferenceError: KTDom is not d...
Hi!On the customer list page we have a data table and for each row we have a dropdown with actions. When I visit the customer page from another page the dropdown doesn't open, when I refresh the page it starts working.Here is that part HTML:
Im begginer at laravel, and I cant figured out how to make a datatable with multiple datatables infoI made a new table called clientsI add a field called clientid to the users tableSo a client could have multiple users assignedThe datatable shows succesfully the clients table inf...
Hey!I bought the Metronic 8 Theme like a year ago and was now using the DataTable Feature. But while i try to create the zero configuration table in my metronic 8 laravel tool it wasnt looking like the one in your documentation.Probably some css files are getting overwritten. Can you please gi...
I checked and try to implement this part in my application, I use "Metronic 8 demo1" with vue. The problem is that laravel_token cookie exists, I checked, but it is not included in the request headers. Can you help me fix it an...
Laravel 10i tried to apply form repeater functionality i added js and html part and form repeater.bundle .js file but functionality not working , please supportThanks
Hello Support,I am trying to install demo9 using npm run dev --demo9 and same I tried with demo12 as well using npm run dev --demo12. But as per you document for different theme installation it should create demo9 or demo12 folder inside public folder which is not happening.And I am not able...
hi,in settings i add "'assets/js/custom/apps/calendar/calendar.js" but calendar not showing i add additional js and css it works it works when i clear theme vendorshttps://prnt....
Hi, Latest metronic 8 for Laravel.In config/settings.phpI set'KT_THEME_MODE_DEFAULT' => 'dark',But I can't see dark theme. Is it working, do o need compile? Or there is bug?Inpartials/theme-mode/_init.blade.phpThere is script>var defaultThemeMode = "light"; var themeMode; ....
Im using the Default Download button on the template But the problem is not downloading the whole table , only the page 1here is the code on how I implement it ,Im using laravel and datatable , then fetch by ajax to processAny idea will help thanks $(document).ready(function() {...
Hi guys,I was wondering: how can I write some custom SCSS, put in the correct folder and get that file compiled (and so converted in CSS and push in the correct folder/in the correct file's code in public/assets) for it to be able to be consumed by my pages?I've tried different methods but n...
Hi,using Metronic Laravel 8.2.5 and self implementing Yajra Datatable, I found this "bug" for which when a head column (the title of a column) is clicked to apply its ordering on the table the head title switch from alignment lef to alignment right.When clicked the title changes classes, how...
Hi Frinds, I try to install the new Metronic v8.2.6 for Laravel,first all looks god, but the Datatable migration failed!php artisan migrate:freshRunning migrationsCreate permission TablesError:Access to undeclared static property Spatie\Permission\PermissionRegistrar::$pivotPermissio...
I'm using metronic 8 demo 1 with vue3. I see that to show images it uses this function getAssetPath('media/misc/auth-screens.png').QUESTION: Where should I add new images/logos? I mean where to place that root folder (media)?
I downloaded this template, using with VUE3.Is OAuth login implemented there?If not -> how do I do it correctly?If yes -> please share more details how it is implemented.Thanks in advance.
hi,i have buy your script and i wanne use the laravel but i get a error : SQLSTATE[42000] : Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes (Connection: mysql, SQL: alter table `permissions` add unique `permissions_name_guard_name_unique`(`na...
public/assets/vendors/keenicons/fonts contains fontssrc/fonts/keenicons/ contains the same fonts categorized with dir'spublic/build/assets also contains fonts..resources/theme/vendors/keenicons/ also the same fonts.something need to be deleted?