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Tag: FullCalendar (9)

I purchased a Metronic license to develop a web application with CodeIgniter that I need to install at my customers. Do I also need to purchase an OEM license for Fullcalendar for each installation of my application at my customers or is the license provided by Metronic required for any installation...
Hello,I need to know if there’s the possibility to use the calendar app inside a web page. Thank you.
Hello,I'm using FullCalendar js in metronic 8, and I have to make a resourceTimeGridDay as a view. When I add the initialView 'resourceTimeGridDay' and the headerToolbar: headerToolbar: { left: "prev,next today", center: "title", right: "dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,resourceTimeGridD...
Hi team.I've purchased the Metronic template from the themeforest to use the fullcalendar example. -, I could not find the fullcalendar example for ReactJs but only can see the html version.Can I g...
I would like to know if the FullCalendar Scheduler version is included in the Metronic license and which one?
HelloI am working in a Vue 3 project that uses 8.1.6 Metronics version.I need to display a FullCalendar Component in a "kt-drawer" Component but there is a reactivity issue and it seems that FullCalendar CSS (or maybe FullCalendar options ?) are not reactive so FullCalendar displays in this...
I know that Metronic doesnt have inbuilt calendar theme in React. How to use the theme from HTML on React code?Currently my code looks like this.const CalendarPage = () => { // Define your docket details or fetch them from an API return (
I use Metronic V34 with laravel9 to manage a set of events. I manage to save the data in the database but to display them with the method response()->json() in the calendar it gives me this error:Failure parsing JSON someone can help me pleasethere is te controller method to display the data: pu...
Hi,Whenever we have too many events in a day, then the "more..." option displays, but whenever we click that, the content is shown over with the cell's inside content without hiding that.See the following image for a better understanding: Link