I am getting this error when I run this command: npm run rtlFailed to load '/Users/mohammedhamouda/Desktop/Work/AiiA/dots_frontend/rtl.config.js' configError [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module /Users/mohammedhamouda/Desktop/Work/AiiA/dots_frontend/node_modules/del/index.js from /Users...
Hi,I was wondering if there are already some quick fixes for the issues below:- Breadcrump not showing- Language sub-menu not showing (actually all user menu sub-menus are not showing)- Scroll-top button not showingThanks
Hi there,Our team are trying to include powerfull Prime-NG plugin into Metronic template.However there is seems some error thrown. We would like to know or share to us how to enable the plugin
Dear Support Team,I hope this email finds you well. We recently purchased your Metronic product and have been highly satisfied with its performance and capabilities. Your team's dedication to providing regular updates and improvements is commendable.In light of our recent purchase, we are no...
i have purchased the metronic 8, but the angular source code i got is not the same as the preview site. https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/
I recently purchased metronics package and trying to use Angular Demo1. I ran following commands after installing:npm cache clean --force npm install --legacy-peer-depsng serveHowever, it is giving following error about DataTables:Error: node_modules/angular-datatables/src/angular-datata...
Hello... An angular newbie here, I get this when I do an "npm install"...npm ERR! code ERESOLVEnpm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency treenpm ERR! npm ERR! While resolving: demo1@8.0.38npm ERR! Found: @angular/compiler@13.2.5npm ERR! node_modules/@angular/compilernpm ERR! @...
I was running the metronic_angular_v8.1.8_demo1\Users\faizal\Sites\keenthemes\_releases\metronic_v8.1.8_zip_new\metronic_angular_v8.1.8_demo1\demo1.Svg icons are not resolving....
Where to find all demos as shown in preview for angular?my body tag is having styles like "antialiased flex h-full demo1 sidebar-fixed header-fixed bg-[#fefefe] dark:bg-coal-500" by default for login page. How to fix?How to setup darkside bar theme. By default it is showing light sidebar....
Hi, I'm using metronic angular v8.1.5 demo1I found a typo that was causing the breadcrumb to not be displayed.src/app/_metronic/layout/components/toolbar/toolbar.component.ts:120this.appPageTitleBreadcrumb = this.layout.getProp( 'app.pageTitle.bre...
Dear Support Teams,I have a questions using metronic in my angular application.1. Does jquery already installed in metronic or should i import jquery library using npm.2. I want to use metronic 8 datatables for my angular application. Do you have any guidelines in order to do that.Th...
Hello,I just tried to set up the https://keenthemes.com/products/ceres-html-pro theme into an Angular project. I built the yarn and gulp files, and then I copied and pasted the assets into my Angular project.Here, I have two issues:1. Angular and the theme assets are found, but I get this...
app.config.ts file is required to implement interceptor in angular application but it is not present in my angular application in demo 1 I have thouroghly checked it
Hi,I'm trying to use Demo 20 (HTML) header in my Demo 2 (Angular) application.I got the style file from html and added in my project. Everything fine until i realised that, in mobile mode, the menu drawer doesn't work (in html demo works). The overlay is there, but nothing else (the menu).Does...
Hi, I bought Metronic from envato, as seen on: https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/index.html there is probably hundreds of pages, but when I open one of angular projects there is 7 demos, with almost nothing. I need most of those examples, otherwise this doesn't make any sense, and I...
Hi,Can I customize the classic component in way that works differently for different pages, it seems it is common for all the pages for the demo, whether it is Dashboard, Layout builder or any.1. Say for example for Page 1 I have some set of filters and for Page 2 they are different2. also...
how i can use dynamic menu in metronic 8with metronic 7 there is a dynamic-header-menu.config.ts/dynamic-aside-menu.config.ts, but i can't find them in metronic 8
Hello, I notice something in the metronic 8.2.0 angular, but also in the previous version, the last menu in the sidebar menu (left menu) don´t have the same behavior than the others.I explain, if expand any menu except the chat , the menu is expanded and the submenu is showed all , if I expa...