Hello, I have a problem showing all icons after custom building:https://preview.keenthemes.com/html/metronic/docs/getting-started/customization/custom-bundlesbest regardsLadislav
Hi,I am using Metronic as a result of being a licensed AspNetZero customer.I am also a licensed FlatIcon customer.I need to add new font icons to my product, and the FlatIcons font generator does not provide options for changing the output name of the CSS selector (it will be "flaticon-", th...
Dear community,KeenThemes is adding the brand new set of 500 icons in 3 styles: Duotone, Solid & Outline. This icon set is based on our previous experience with Duotune icon set.We would love to customize the set to your needs.
You have done a good work with Duotune icons, I use it in many places, but I miss some icons. This is the list of icons that I miss:PhoneOpen padlockPercentageI think it was usefull you create a post to people suggest more icons.