hi, I'm using metronic 8.1.7 for angular.
I try some icon like this
1. <i class="ki ki-solid-plus icon-10x"></i><br>
2. <i class="flaticon2-hourglass-1 icon-10x"></i><br>
3. <span class="svg-icon svg-icon-success">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" version="1.1">
<g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<rect x="0" y="0" width="24" height="24"/>
<path d="M6,2 L18,2 C19.6568542,2 21,3.34314575 21,5 L21,19 C21,20.6568542 19.6568542,22 18,22 L6,22 C4.34314575,22 3,20.6568542 3,19 L3,5 C3,3.34314575 4.34314575,2 6,2 Z M12,11 C13.1045695,11 14,10.1045695 14,9 C14,7.8954305 13.1045695,7 12,7 C10.8954305,7 10,7.8954305 10,9 C10,10.1045695 10.8954305,11 12,11 Z M7.00036205,16.4995035 C6.98863236,16.6619875 7.26484009,17 7.4041679,17 C11.463736,17 14.5228466,17 16.5815,17 C16.9988413,17 17.0053266,16.6221713 16.9988413,16.5 C16.8360465,13.4332455 14.6506758,12 11.9907452,12 C9.36772908,12 7.21569918,13.5165724 7.00036205,16.4995035 Z" fill="#000000"/>
</span> <br>
4. <i class="fa fa-fill-drip"></i><br>
5. <i class="fa fa-fill-drip text-dark icon-10x"></i><br>
6. <i class="socicon-android icon-10x"></i><br>
It was instantly clear that the Aerocity Escorts Service was not only attractive but also thoughtful, making sure that every aspect of our time together was enjoyable and met my expectations.
Hi Saiful,
Only these icons we have included in the package for Metronic v8.
Bootstrap Icons
Custom Icons
Font Awesome
Line Awesome
Please check the docs here:
For flaticon and ki, we do have it in the previous version and we have already removed it for the latest version:
Hi Saiful,
Please use the fs-* class to change the icon size.
You can refer to the bootstrap website.
yes I can use font size, how about icon with class ki and flaticon2? still can't use that icon.
And I got some common style like mr-2 can't used in this template, but i can mx-2, is there any miss at scss?
1. <i class="ki ki-solid-plus icon-10x"></i><br>
2. <i class="flaticon2-hourglass-1 icon-10x"></i><br>
3. <span class="svg-icon svg-icon-success">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" version="1.1">
<g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<rect x="0" y="0" width="24" height="24"/>
<path d="M6,2 L18,2 C19.6568542,2 21,3.34314575 21,5 L21,19 C21,20.6568542 19.6568542,22 18,22 L6,22 C4.34314575,22 3,20.6568542 3,19 L3,5 C3,3.34314575 4.34314575,2 6,2 Z M12,11 C13.1045695,11 14,10.1045695 14,9 C14,7.8954305 13.1045695,7 12,7 C10.8954305,7 10,7.8954305 10,9 C10,10.1045695 10.8954305,11 12,11 Z M7.00036205,16.4995035 C6.98863236,16.6619875 7.26484009,17 7.4041679,17 C11.463736,17 14.5228466,17 16.5815,17 C16.9988413,17 17.0053266,16.6221713 16.9988413,16.5 C16.8360465,13.4332455 14.6506758,12 11.9907452,12 C9.36772908,12 7.21569918,13.5165724 7.00036205,16.4995035 Z" fill="#000000"/>
</span> <br>
4. <i class="fa fa-fill-drip"></i><br>
5. <i class="fa fa-fill-drip text-dark icon-10x"></i><br>
6. <i class="socicon-android icon-10x"></i><br>