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Tag: KeenIcons (9)

public/assets/vendors/keenicons/fonts contains fontssrc/fonts/keenicons/ contains the same fonts categorized with dir'spublic/build/assets also contains fonts..resources/theme/vendors/keenicons/ also the same fonts.something need to be deleted?
Do you have somehow to easily get all the icons to a icon picker without having to copy each individually? Maybe a list of them all side by side in a HTML file or similar?
Hi,It has been more than 1 year since the topic was created but I don't see any new icons. you still in progress? How long does it take to release?I love these icons but...
Why is there not a search option for keenicons? I just don't see an easy way to search for icons that I may want to use...When I go here.. click on any of the icons below.. it pops up a dialog to browse.. but I can't search.. this is awful.Font Awes...
"I don't know where to provide feedback, so I'm writing here. If this is not the right place, please understand.When I was deploying the project, I noticed that the icon section had a specific typographical error related to the Rails framework's software icons. It was written incorrectly as 'Pai...
Hello,After purchasing the license, I updated to v8.1.8 and decided to switch to demo 38, which looks much nicer to me.I installed it, but not all the icons are displaying.Here's a link to see what I see: checked the source code, and I do have the following, for...
Hi, original icons are sharp while the rotate icons are blurry. I found this on the Chromium browsers like Edge, Chrome but not Firefox. I...
When compiling by gulp metronics in demo 31, keenicons is not going to dist folder
I saw Keenicons icons and they are gorjeous.I noticed that Keenicons need internal span for each path that the original SVG have.Is this intencional?This will make usage hard.It easier (even in a developer sense) to have all icon content in a single `content: \eeb6` So we dont ha...