My manager has purchased Metronic and he gave me the product key. I am trying to download a paid metronic react template with purchase code but I am not sure how to do that. I can only see the option that asks me to pay and it doesn't have any field to enter purchase code.
Hi, I am running an older version of Metronic on React, and would like to update the code to use the new animations. For example, when clicking on New Member, the popup is more smoothly transitioned, and not instant.Where can I f...
I've been following through this tutorial in order to install metronic v9 (with tailwindcss) on my vite+react projectproject was made from scratch by following and copying the given commands provided by the...
Hi all, I am using Metronic react project . The project is working fine in the local development environment .But while i try to build (npm run build) and serve (serve -s build) the project , it is not working . I tried changing the homepage path in package.json to "/my/app" too . still its not w...
i saw a thread saying full RTL support will be available form versioin 8.16 i did not understand how to install RTL in v8.2 also is tehre a way to make the RTL language based? it says in the following link:"RTL is in the final...
Hi,@mui/base has been deprecated. I need to upgrade to @base-ui-components/react. May I know when u will make a new release with @base-ui-components/react? I am using your tailwind-react- javascript code.
Here's my problem in Metronic 8.1.8: am trying to update to Metronic 8.2.0 to test if this will solve my problem in adding pluginsformvalidation: { styles: [ "{$config.path.common_src}/plugins/@form-validation/umd...
Hi, I want a theme to use it as the base for a new project and I'll be using flask for the backend but I also want react for my site interactions. Do you have any recomendations?
I am currently working on a project where I am attempting to integrate the styles of the main Metronics site. While navigating through the codebase, I noticed that it uses TypeScript and the Context API. Unfortunately, my TypeScript knowledge is still in the learning phase ( i thought i will be able...
Hi there,O just bought a metronic license and when opened the tract demos realized they were different from the one showed in the live preview. It had lots of minor changes and didn’t have most of the theme pages.In your website you say that all demo pages will be included: "The purch...
I have a problem, when I copy+paste any code ( Modals, Accordions etc ) which includes any data-bs property. The code is not working, it renders but it will not toggle modal or roll down accordions. Any sugestions what can be wrong? Thank you
We are building food website where we are not selling theme to end user but we are getting orders from customers and delivering food to them. We are not selling this food website to anyone, we are using as service. Is regular license fine with this scenario?
Hello, I would like to purchase the Metronic admin design with React. Which one should I choose? After purchasing, how will the support section be? Will updates be available for the purchased template? What version of React is it compatible with? If I create a project from scratch, can I easily inte...
I have purchase Metronic and tried to work with React versions. Its working properly in localhost but once deployed to hostinger, its not showing any pages. Only showing the splash screen with loading message. Tried to redirect to other urls, but still its loading. No other pages are getting rendere...