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Suggestions (135)

Dear community,KeenThemes is adding the brand new set of 500 icons in 3 styles: Duotone, Solid & Outline. This icon set is based on our previous experience with Duotune icon set.We would love to customize the set to your needs.
Hi all, please advise the best official cricket site, would be very grateful for the advice
When will the code be updated to fix and remove these deprecated objects/assets?This is the yarn out put of a fresh install after being updated to the latest"yarn upgrade --latest"Am I supposed to work out which pieces of code were custom to support this theme and re-write those components...
Good afternoon, there are a lot of missing components that would make it easier to develop with the Metronic 9 template. Namely sliders, galleries, notifications and water masks for input. I understand that the template is new and it is very difficult to implement everything at once. But I would lik...
Hello!I’d like to suggest a feature to the Keenthemes Developers Team. Our application relies heavily on Keenthemes, particularly Metronic. However, when it comes to building landing pages and homepages, we often need to use other themes, which brings in additional assets and increases complexit...
Hi,i have purchased the good theme from bootstrap themes and am trying to integrate it into a django project for a business internal data tracking app - I am a novice to webapp. Is there a component i can use to add a stopwatch component to either count down or count up for form entries?...
Since I lost one hour on it :(It works fine on DIVs, but not on other elements (e.g. SELECT or INPUT).Maybe update the docs by saying "where" it works, because it took me quite a while to debug it - it would correctly let me create the instance, only to be empty with no block/release methods....
Hello, Metronic text-gray-500 and text-gray-600 colors contrast is too low. From Chrome its getting 2.58 points which is warning level. It would be great if All gray-{variations} could pass contrast ration points from chrome browser. We have old monitors and text-gray-500 and text-gray-600 is al...
I am displaying to my newly registered user the email verification view for the Admin Bootstrap 5 theme (the one at "demo2/authentication/general/verify-email.html").I would like to show the user some form of alert or message to let him/her know a new email verification has been sent (so that he...
Hello, I purchased a commercial lisence for the Admin Bootstrap 5 theme (most specifically the demo 2 views) available at use Laravel and I have implement a fully working authentification system.After the sign...
I am seeing an issue on classic loginif you press enter on the password the password becomes visibile, it seems that the eye button gets focused when pressing enter which makes the password visible while its submitting,I reproed this locally and it can be reproed in your demo sitehttps:/...
I just bought the template and I want to use it in Blazor, I have followed the steps in the documentation and when I run the project it only shows me the main screen, it does not load any other submenu or redirect me to anything, nor does it download the other menus.Is it compatible with Blazor...
I downloaded the latest version of keen admin demos [1-9] (V3.0.7) and noticed the new structure of the build tools. The paths configured for gulp.config.js and webpack.config.js were not working correctly either.In gulp.config.js I made the following changes:dist: ["../dist/assets"], //...
Hello,Can I suggest a small change in the KTThemeMode logic?I'm using the event `kt.thememode.change` to grab user's choice and save it in the database.But there is a scenario where this event is not triggered:Imagine that:- My system theme is 'dark'- My current selection is them...
app.config.ts file is required to implement interceptor in angular application but it is not present in my angular application in demo 1 I have thouroghly checked it
Hi,It has been more than 1 year since the topic was created but I don't see any new icons. you still in progress? How long does it take to release?I love these icons but...
When use the CSS in my project of MVC with core dont charge this styles and I'm try make various solutions but is imposible
When accessing the STAR ASP.NET documentation page ( we get an error message. (500 Internal Server Error) Can this please be fixed?
Hi ! First of all you really have a nice dashboard with a great variety of stack.I was wondering if there was any plan to make a Symfony integration but using Symfony UX ?This (somewhat) new Symfony UX initiative is really nice, and allows use of some react div components, UX turbo, hotwired, st...
There's an error in the docs at - the command for clearing the cache should be npm cache clear --force.
the border: 1px solid var(--bs-gray-300) ; , box-shadow: none; this line are over writtenthat is cauzing the boder to dispaly nont Old code .react-select-styled .react-select { &__control { --bs-form-select-bg-img: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='
Why is there not a search option for keenicons? I just don't see an easy way to search for icons that I may want to use...When I go here.. click on any of the icons below.. it pops up a dialog to browse.. but I can't search.. this is awful.Font Awes...