Get 2024 Templates Mega Bundle!19 Bootstrap HTML, Vue & React Templates + 3 Vector Sets
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Suggestions (125)

Dear community,KeenThemes is adding the brand new set of 500 icons in 3 styles: Duotone, Solid & Outline. This icon set is based on our previous experience with Duotune icon set.We would love to customize the set to your needs.
I just bought the template and I want to use it in Blazor, I have followed the steps in the documentation and when I run the project it only shows me the main screen, it does not load any other submenu or redirect me to anything, nor does it download the other menus.Is it compatible with Blazor...
I downloaded the latest version of keen admin demos [1-9] (V3.0.7) and noticed the new structure of the build tools. The paths configured for gulp.config.js and webpack.config.js were not working correctly either.In gulp.config.js I made the following changes:dist: ["../dist/assets"], //...
Hello,Can I suggest a small change in the KTThemeMode logic?I'm using the event `kt.thememode.change` to grab user's choice and save it in the database.But there is a scenario where this event is not triggered:Imagine that:- My system theme is 'dark'- My current selection is them...
app.config.ts file is required to implement interceptor in angular application but it is not present in my angular application in demo 1 I have thouroghly checked it
Hi,It has been more than 1 year since the topic was created but I don't see any new icons. you still in progress? How long does it take to release?I love these icons but...
When use the CSS in my project of MVC with core dont charge this styles and I'm try make various solutions but is imposible
When accessing the STAR ASP.NET documentation page ( we get an error message. (500 Internal Server Error) Can this please be fixed?
Hi ! First of all you really have a nice dashboard with a great variety of stack.I was wondering if there was any plan to make a Symfony integration but using Symfony UX ?This (somewhat) new Symfony UX initiative is really nice, and allows use of some react div components, UX turbo, hotwired, st...
There's an error in the docs at - the command for clearing the cache should be npm cache clear --force.
the border: 1px solid var(--bs-gray-300) ; , box-shadow: none; this line are over writtenthat is cauzing the boder to dispaly nont Old code .react-select-styled .react-select { &__control { --bs-form-select-bg-img: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='
Why is there not a search option for keenicons? I just don't see an easy way to search for icons that I may want to use...When I go here.. click on any of the icons below.. it pops up a dialog to browse.. but I can't search.. this is awful.Font Awes...
How to add export to excel in user table? i was try, but data row not all complate to export because pagination.
Can you please tell me how to minify the javascript? I have some changes in the script.
I want to implement Metronic 8.2 in a Nuxt App, I want to know if anyone has used Metronic with Nuxt
side menu does not work when running from a mobile device and also have scroll bar not appear some cases .I think issue related with fixed height. I just tried following way on SidebarMenu component
"I don't know where to provide feedback, so I'm writing here. If this is not the right place, please understand.When I was deploying the project, I noticed that the icon section had a specific typographical error related to the Rails framework's software icons. It was written incorrectly as 'Pai...
Hi,I'd want to suggest an improvement to Steppers.As cited in the docs, Stepper should have navigation buttons inside the .This causes a problem in Steppers with long content (eg tables with many rows), since the buttons are not immediately and always visible, unless users scroll to...
Hello, the theme is nice, but adopting to ASP is still not smooth, I am requesting you add some of this feedback very important: Its missing the free basic ASP identity Core pages to manage users. This is free, the core 5 or 6 login views/actions should be part of the common kit, https://lea...
Good afternoon, I really like your template style. But I would like to advise you to expand the topics themselves. Since there are no elements for services such as transport, tourism, real estate and other areas that also require an interface for management. I hope we will see it soon. Thank you for...
helo, how to implements metronic vue in laravel inertia vue,thanks..