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Tag: Angular (526)

Hello,I created a new page and I would like to set a class in SCSS when the theme is dark.How can I do it?The code below doesn't work. [data-theme="dark"] .myClass { width: 100%;}[data-theme="light"] .myClass { width: 50%;}Thank you for your help.
How to create date and time picker in metronic_v8.1.6 theme. I tried using matDatePicker, but the calendar form has moved and I can't adjust it. Please help me, do you have any guidence on how to implement this?
Hi, I have some details with the Demo1 sidebar and top bar menu , when i first access the page they don't work, unless I make a full page reload. Is there a way to reload the Custom Javascript or something else in order to ensure the menu works from de begging?I'd appreciate your feed back
Hi Support...Is it possible to implement HTML version into angular ?If i do it ?Best RegardsWisnu
I want to make use of Angular Material Theming. I see this file, and it seems to be getting loadedsrc/assets/sass/vendors/angular/material/_angular-material.scss.How do I make use of this file? Changing themes seems not to affect the MAT colors etc. is it possible to change mat themes for... Support Center Module: 1. FAQ: - You offer FAQ's, tickets, etc but I do not see the template where admin or users can create FAQ with text, video, images, etc? Can you please provide this link? 2. Tickets...
Hello!Do we know if an Angular Update 15 is on the works for Metronic?
Hi, I'm using the metronic document's component that uses SVG file icons like pdf.svg.I need more file types for my project or the ability to change the label on the SVG from PDF to something else. I'd like to stick with a consistent look and like the svgs you provided. Can you share whe...
Angular demo 1 does not collapse the aside menu. Click on chevron arrows and the right panel widens but the menu does not collapse.
Updated from Metronic 7.0.4 Angular 9.1.3 to Metronic 8.1..4 Angular 14.0.0. App works fine on windows PC. on IOS, safari & chrome - app will not open - unexpected eof on polyfills. promisReactionJobThank youChrisPlease provide a link to a minimal reproduction of the bugWill not load...
menu style v4 link this available in v8?
i want to create popup component as in demo 1 using angular , but not shown
Hello,when customizing the angular variable in the app.module.ts like that: { provide: APP_BASE_HREF, useValue: '/test' }an error occours when using the [inlineSVG]:
Hi, there is a bug in search textbox in the header toolbar.when I click to write something, the box close immediately. try to see if in the demo2, the behavior is the same, but no, is work correclty.https://preview.keenthem...
Hello I would like to ask a clarification, about the location of Sidebar and the aside-menu.Where they are located in the metronic themes?Thanks in advance.Paulo
hi,there's a lot of design problem in angular versions.I Wana share screen wi th you to explore it
Hiim trying to use KTBlockUI in angular demo, I executed this code but it gives me an error which the liberary is not defined?var target = document.querySelector('#blockme');var blockUI = new KTBlockUI(target);blockUI.block();
I'm trying to access this url: the page request is not found.Could you, please, provide me with a new url for accessing this page?
Hi,I bought a Metronic licence and I dowload the zip file, and I want the angular app how can I get a skeleton app without all the demo pages?If do you not have a skeleton, can I have a guide, who explain what I need to implement in my app.The main ideia is to apply the metronics layout in...
It seems the sidebar is defaulting to the dark-theme, even when downloading demo 1 as a fresh instance. The sidebar toggle between light and dark just stays dark?Is the layout service part missing from the sidebar-menu.component? Any solutions to this?
I bought jettheme.I use navbar and sidebar in a module for lazyloading but for example in sidebar menu links (hover) don't work. What can i do