I noticed in the documents that HTML components cannot be used directly in Angular, however, the drawer is displayed in the angular demo. I've attemtped to use the drawer within a for loop (ngFor) and I'm unable to get it to function (i.e open the drawer). I'm using a object's ID for the but...
When making the command "ng g c my-page" from demo2 Angular, it gets the following error:An unhandled exception occurred: Cannot destructure property 'aliases' of 'collection.description.schematics[schematicName]' as it is undefined.See "/private/var/folders/bn/xgpdjvcx5g7b775bk7x25nl40000gn/T...
I purchased a Metronic license through Themeforest and I was able to log in and download the new version no problem but when I go to get the Angular Demo's I need to log into KeenThemes to do that and I did not have a keenthemes account, or if I did its very old and has not been logged into in a ver...
Hi,Currently im trying to route to a page which is not in aside menus (im navigating via routerLink in user-inner component, I am successfully redirected to the page but the title cant seem to be generated. any thoughts?
Hello,I'm currently encountering an issue with the sidebar menu functionality in the latest versions of our application.I've implemented the presentation of menu-items recursively, with the data sourced from the server side. However, when I open a sub-menu and click on an item within that menu...
Hello, How can I add element files from html demo to angular project for example:I need to use "Select2" (https://preview.keenthemes.com/html/metronic/docs/forms/select2) from html version to Angular version , so I took plugins.bundle.css and plugins.bundle.js from html demo version an...
Hi: There is a problem with the dropdown menus at toolbars (all of them)There is no style at all (just raw HTML)For instance, let's try in the saas toolbar, the dropdown at "sort by"https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/toolbars/saas.htmlOf course, the demo works well, but try...
Hi, when following the instructions for creating a new project using Tailwind and integrating styles here: https://keenthemes.com/metronic/tailwind/docs/getting-started/integration/angularThe project does not compile:[vite] Error when evaluating SSR module /main.server.mjs:|- ReferenceErro...
Dear Team,We have a start project based on Angular generated by Jhipster. Is it possible for you to integrate Demo12 with this project? We are okay to pay the charges. Please let me know if this is possible, accordingly I'll share the source code of starter application so that you can estimate t...
Hi,After watching the "Your First project - Metronic 8 Admin Template" video I learned how to use the generated files from the Layout Builder in Keen 3. Whereby I'm using Angular and not PHP. Some of my components has not been well aligned though and their hover effect didn't work properly. This...
I just bought the metronic template but I don't have all the Sidebar menus in the downloaded code'. I mean DashboardsPAGESUser ProfileAccountAuthenticationCorporateSocialBlogFAQPricingCareersUtilitiesWidgetsAPPSProjectseCommerceContactsSupport CenterUser M...
In Angular version of PasswordMeterComponent, Check method does not count score correctly. **public check() { let score = 0 const checkScore = this.checkScore()
i tried to apply form repeater functionality i added js and html part and form repeater.bundle .js file but functionality not working , please support Thanks
HiI purchased the Metronic | Bootstrap HTML, VueJS, React, Angular, Asp.Net, Django & Laravel Admin Dashboard Theme from ThemeForest on 29th March 2023. The downloaded package includes only a single file under Angular JS directory and which is redirecting it to another download page.I purcha...
I'm try to create tour tutorial for my App (Angular - Metronic), in that tutorial I need to Open Aside Menu automatic by code to show the user that all menu available.try using JSdocument.getElementById('kt_aside_toggle').click();but aside still not open and need operator to cli...
I have tried and installed the demo1 of the metronic 8, angular version. To my surprise I did not find it rich of components like the metronic 7 version. Does that mean I can just take from v7 what I want and include it on v8 without any issues?Best regards
hi!i bought the template and now i want to use it, i go to use angular, i extracted the zip for the demo1 and when i trying run the application i receive the error Node packages may not be installed. Try installing with 'npm install'.Error: Could not find the '@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev...