There's a bug in angular version within _StickyComponents.ts (src/app/_metronic/kt/components/_StickyComponents.ts)
In the following set of code :
private getOption = (name: string) => {
const dataStickyAttr = "data-kt-sticky-" + name
if (this.element.hasAttribute(dataStickyAttr) === true) {
const attrValueInStr = this.element.getAttribute(dataStickyAttr)
const attrValue = getAttributeValueByBreakpoint(attrValueInStr || "")
if (attrValue !== null && String(attrValue) === "true") {
return true
} else if (attrValue !== null && String(attrValue) === "false") {
return false
return attrValue
} else {
const optionName = stringSnakeToCamel(name)
const option = getObjectPropertyValueByKey(this.options, optionName)
if (option) {
return getAttributeValueByBreakpoint(option)
Hi Prad,
If the option does not exist, it should return undefined. You can use this code to check the value.
if (typeof value !== "undefined")