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Tag: Angular (655)

Dear Support Teams, Does metronic effect changes detection in angular. Coz i found out, when loading/ initiate a page my app does not detect any changes. Unless i type something on input, then it will detect a changes.My scenario is, when loading a page, i will call an api to list all the re...
how to swap between RTL and LTR SCSS file when I use LTR I should use part of SCSS and when I use RTL I should use different part of SCSS in style.angular.scss using LTR // Angular vendors@import "~socicon/css/socicon.css";@import "~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css";@impo...
In the angular version is missing some templates, such as the one for users management. Can i download them somewhere once you have purchased Metronic?
Hello dear devs,I hope this message finds you well. I've been exploring Angular Metronic and had a question I was hoping you could assist me with.I'm looking to implement input validation and formatting for employee worked hours in my Angular application. The input field should allow users t...
Demo url works but not when i download it. So I can't use the mobile menu.
What is the prediction for including the table with sorting, autocomplete, datepicker and others in the ANGULAR template demonstration?
i need to use id navigation to go from navbar to specific section in my home page so i put in my anchor in navbar href="#about"and in my section id="about"but, the page refresh and didn`t go to the sectionplease support
How do I implement lightbox in my metronics angular? Please help me in this matter.
I want to make use of Angular Material Theming. I see this file, and it seems to be getting loadedsrc/assets/sass/vendors/angular/material/_angular-material.scss.How do I make use of this file? Changing themes seems not to affect the MAT colors etc. is it possible to change mat themes for...
Based on below doc, I added 2 tabs and their contents in a angular component. But tab change doesn't work. Is there any script initialization required?
Hi all,Is there a way I can improve the styes.scss bundle size? using just the 8.2.1 skeleton project it isstyles.d5205ccd91fc897d.css | styles | 1.56 MB | 89.89 kBThis is already exceeding the recommended 2mb total build size when with the other chunks.
please let me know how can i use all features and templates that i purchase from you for example how can i use EDITORS or jsTree you give me things like magic i need to use it please let me know how
When unchecking the Fixed Header option in Layout Builder, the menu leaks onto the screen when scrolling, it happens in demo1 and demo2 from what I noticed
I bought the template from ThemeForest/evantomarket but I got an HTML page for the download with a login button when I logged in I got nothing in my downloads
Hello, I want to use the demo43 template in your HTML templates in my Angular project. There is no demo43 template in Angular Themes.What is the best way to quickly adapt demo43 to my angular project?
how can ı add modals, for example add-user or add target buttons in projects/project.html running, but thats modals not run on angular project. how to integration them on my angular project. in addition, I read modals section in yours angular documentation but its not enough.
Hello,I would like to know when Angular will be updated with other features already existing in the HTML demos. E.g. Forms Layout, Mask, etc.Thanks
Hello,I need to use the tempus dominus plugin to show a datetimepicker in a metronic 8.1.1 applicationWhat I got is
i want show or hide depending which component is currently opened.suppose open dashboard that time i don't want to show aside but when i open the other component like profile or etc then i want show aside then how to do that in angular ?
Are Metronic 8 demos for Angular going to be updated to Angular 19?Thanks!
I'm trying to use this checkbox toggle switch with Angular. I am importing individual pieces of the metronic theme, I see the styles, but when I click it, it doesnt change. What needs to be included to see the switch...
Hello I have done as you said in the documentation angular/demo1npm clear cache --forcenpm install --legacy-peer-depsng serveand then in the http://localhost:4200/auth/login , the web page show correctly, but when I e...