I was using Metronic 7 bundled with AspNetZero.
Today, I bought Metronic 8 Angular demo1 and wanting to see the possibility of upgrade. After kicking up the downloaded package and the first thing I tried was to hide the side-bar by clicking the toggle button. Surprisingly it is not working (honestly a little disappointed) ! And, I also find that Angular version is lacking much of the features/page samples that exists in HTML version.
Are there any timeline to migrate the features from HTML to Angular?
We plan to upgrade our system with a new theme this year, I hope there will be a more complete Angular theme soon.
HTML version and Angular version have different sets of functionalities. If the functionality is based on jQuery we've already moved it or will move it in the upcoming releases.
We have 2-3 updates per month. The next release is the v8039 will include Angular demo6 and demo7 examples.
Keenthemes support