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Tag: Angular (614)

hi there,i would like to know is there Metronic do support or already have such as workflow nodes?like in the below link
Hello everyone,We have been utilizing your Metronic template in conjunction with Angular 10. However, as we are now upgrading to version 12 due to the advancements in Angular, we have encountered some errors after upgrading our angular to version 12 and rebuilding the application.We would gr...
hi, is there any plan to make Datatable Plugin in Angular 15. i need a lot extension in datatable to implement in my application.
"I want to add some areas from the HTML template to an Angular project, for example, form components. After adding the HTML part, what remains is to import specific CSS and JS files for the component into Angular. When I do the import from angular.js, I get a parsing error. I also receive an error w...
Hello everyone :)What is criteria for 3rd Party Plugins, that Metronic can includes ?I working on open-source set of tools, for UI modals and panes creation. I will be happy to be in the list of plugins. Panes
Hi,I bought the metronic theme but can't see the library in the demos like buttons alert or anything else. Where can I access to the all components?
Hi,We added Metronic to our existing angular application. I used the HTML version for it and recreated some components based on both the HTML and Angular demo. The whole application is working fine but we can't get the select2 from the HTML version working in the application. The select fo...
Hello, I am trying to use the icons from HTML template to Angular but it shows blank only. you please help me out that how to use it in my angular project? Thanks in Advance. Appreciated.
Hello,I have a project is running with dot net core API and on the client side angular 12. How can I apply theme to use it instead of creating demo1 from scratch
If we are using Metronic 7 and upgrade to Angular 14, will it create any issue?Thanks,Ebison J
Hi Metronic team,Hope you're doing well. I wanted to upgrade my Metronic 6 version to the newest version. Could you please help me to update my application.Thanks
Hello,We purchased a Metronic 4.7.5 license some years ago to develop a web application built with Angular. Can we upgrade to the latest Metronic 8 using the same license or do we need to purchase a new one?Alternatively, we currently own a Metronic 8 license for another web application (als...
Hi dear @keenThemes. Can you prognose, when will be update for angular ?
I'm curious why the documentation of angular is lacking. It feels like it really misses a lot of documentation on how stuff is build. Especially for the newer angular devs (like me). I've searched tons of hours to find out that changedetection is not on the default for example. Why is there anothe...
Hello team, I have noticed in these past few days the UI on your Medtronic angular demo site is breaking, the navigation bar is being blended with the background while scrolling, and the models of Filter, Create, and Edit are not showing. Can you help us out with this?here is the screenshot: htt...
It seems the sidebar is defaulting to the dark-theme, even when downloading demo 1 as a fresh instance. The sidebar toggle between light and dark just stays dark?Is the layout service part missing from the sidebar-menu.component? Any solutions to this?
Hi Guys,Is there a way to re-initiate javascript functions in my component partials.It seems these are loaded asynchronously and bindings to all the metronic scripts are lost, i.e. the click event on the menu.Im using an angular component on the menu to load in navigation from an API.Somet...
Couldn't find a roadmap for Metronic, I'm looking to understand when/if Metronic will be updated to use Angular 13+ ?Thanks
Can the Angular Material be used with Metronic?
Hi,do you have any updated angular video or tutorial?Best regards,José Amado