Has anyone implemented a modal with vue 3 and TypeScript, I see they have the TypeScript definition files but I can't implement the modal.If someone has done it, I would appreciate it if you could give an example since it is not included in the documentation, thank you.
Good morning, please I need your help to download the version of the theme that is in this urlhttps://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic/demo1/index.htmlWhen I download I get another version of the theme, please help, since I really like this version and I need to integrate it into my project tha...
Hi,Currently, I'm using an Angular based template but I noticed that Toastr is not part of the demo. Searching on the documentation, I noticed that it is implemented as part of HTML.https://preview.keenthemes.com/html/metronic/docs/general/toastrDo you have a workaround to use Metronic Toa...
Hi everyone, I changed the model id, but the cancel and submit button alert does not work, soAre there changes in any script file that must be done? Regards,,
Hello,I have been using your theme for a while and would like to get the code for the Radio Buttons Example 4 as it is currently empty.It is located here.I would like to use this in my pro...
I am trying to import tailwind base colors like (teal color) into my tailwind html template. But when i build the css it is always missing those colors. Here is my tailwind.config.js configuration```jsconst defaultTheme = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme');const defaultColors = requi...
Metronic v.9.0.1Followed quick start steps 1-6Issue #1During step 6 the process never finishes; the last line output is:webpack 5.92.1 compiled successfully in 5500 msHowever pressing CTRL+C gives message:Terminate batch job (Y/N)?Proc...
I downloaded metronic demo 10 template. Page htmls are empty for all folders just has index and dashboard html file in folder. Can you check these template and files?
I have prblem with turkish character on metronic theme when i try to turkish get turkish characters from .js file characters automactically converted for exp(Ş -> S,İ -> I, ğ ->g). How can i solve this problem
I am having issue to understand how to set up and use the Theme with Blazor. Everything seems installed, and I know that the Blazor Theme does not include every single side the HTML includes. I also know that if I want certain stuff from the HTML Template, I can simply copy and paste the HTML into m...
I have a problem with an image input. it shows nice, with their styles, and i checked by JS that on change the image the input fills himselves with the image. but when i submit the form, the avatar input doesn't appear. i have the form with enctype="multipart/form-data", and i tried with a normal in...