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Tag: HTML (1225)

Are there any of the Metronic demos that do not use jQuery at it's core? I was hoping to use one of the demos that had a horizontal layout and looked at 32 and it requires jQuery. I need one that does not require jQuery so I can create a layout file for Blazor.
Dear,How do I disable/enable input text by Switcher? in advance
Hi,I've updated my project from 2.1.1 to 3.0.6.I use select2 component as below@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.FirmId, new SelectList((System.Collections.IEnumerable)ViewBag.firmList, "Value", "Text"), new { @id = "FirmSelect", @class = "form-select form-select-sm form-select-solid"...
Hi, I am using the good admin template v1.1.1 (recently upgraded). In the past I had just compiled the css into one big style sheet, but that was difficult to manage. I am now using the scss partials structure, and the migration has worked really well for the most part. The bulk of the styling is pu...
Dears, I have an existing project and I want to apply the theme.Which files are needed to do so? Imagine that you are starting from scratch, which files should I import?I only care about the references needed I will take care of the rest.
HelloIs it possible to download only a specific subfolder from github ? I on ly use HTML and i want to downlod specific demo, for example.By the way, Your job is fantastic. Thank youDavid
Hi,I purchased the Start – Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Theme from site. There it shows version v1.0.9, however the current version in the hosted demo site is v1.1.4 Changelog says this as well.Start HTML Pro v1.1.4 - 9 November, 2023How to download the l...
Hi - We purchased Keen from the GetBootstrap marketplace, and are trying to use the LayoutBuilder to export components. The form is working, but it will export components only for the "home" page of the theme, which has no navbar in the header and drops that content in a right-hand sidebar inst...
Hi,In Metronic HTML v8.2.1, the LIGHT SECONDARY text is invisible in some cases below- Badge: Light styleNew
Hi Metronic Team,I trust this message finds you in good health. We're currently working on integrating ChatGPT-like functionality into our apps and have been utilizing the Metronic template for our development.We're impressed with the design of the Metronic template and would greatly appreci...
Hello, I need RTL filesI did not find the following files in the folders
hi dear , my Codes for lightbox dont work and when i click on a image , it shows me " invalid source " , even in original html files from demo 1
hello,In a Metronic theme, I'd want change the default colors: "primary", "warning", "danger" ,...etc, (same class name but different color), or possibly add others. how can I do this?ThanksValerio
Hi Thanks for the great template, I'd like to use this demo in Vue, where can I start?
Hi,I just purchased Metronic Theme, I have two questions, please1- How can I make the main menu similar to the menu in the HTML template here In the HTML version there are several dashboards, are there any way I can copy from the...
Hi,I mentioned these issues before but it seems like you have not fixed them yet so I remind you so that you could consider and give me a better workaround if any- Initial image goes back after removing.I mentioned here
hi,I'm looking for a horizontal and vertical timeline. Is there an example in Metronic 8?
Hi, I've added a dropdown button in datatable row. But it doesn't show dropdown menu on click. Then I've checked demo page and got the same result at buttons doesn't work
Hello, I want to use the email templates like can I find the full html so it will look nice in the e-mail? I have searched in the zip file and then demo22 in metronic_html_v8.2.0_demo22, then I sea...
There is an error building Demo 11 in Metronic HTML (I'm using Gulp here)Error in plugin "sass"Message: ../demo11/src/sass/components/_card.scssError: Undefined variable. ╷8 │ --#{$prefix}card-bg: #{$card-bg-dark}; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^...
Need video tutorial for vuejs :(
Hello ,I am using Metronic v7, and i will need to return a huge data records and need to use the server-side processing to paging it,i have ref to the below demo but it doesn't work when i change the Ajax URL to my backend php file, i am not sure what's wrong with my php file , i have compared wi...