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Tag: Vue (614)

Hello, am looking for the call center dashboard, is it available in vue? if not in which html demo do i get it?
I can't get "store" information in "beforeEach" in route/index.ts file. It shows but gives "undefined"Code image Result "user" field is empty
Throwing this error when executing "npm run serve"Already implemented import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n";Module not found: Error: Package path ./index is not exported from package D:\Development\Quote-Tool\Test\demo4\node_modules\vue-i18n (see exports field in D:\Development\Quote-Tool\Tes...
Hello I have node version v16.16.0and npm version 8.15.1After that I tried to install demo1 in localhost run command:npm installnpm run serveBut me display this error on vsc error in ./src/layout/aside/Aside.vue?vue&type=script&lang=tsModule not found: Error: Package path ./in...
Demo: 8Version: 8.1.1 with vueWhen i run: npm run serve i get this errors:ERROR in ./src/layout/aside/Aside.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts (./node_modules/ts-loader/index.js??clonedRuleSet-40.use[0]!./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/index.js??ruleSet[0].use[0]!./src/layout/aside/Aside.vue?vue&ty...
Hello,I've found an issue in your demo7 Vue template using the latest 5.2.0-beta1. In short, in AsideSecondary.vue, if I programmatically add classes "active show" to the tab to default showing the correct menu when the site is loaded, and then I click another link, it does not hide the origina...
is the JS version available for Vue Theme Metronic 8?Do you have a ready build for vuejs with vite ?
I have updated the theme and seems the column sorting not working in ktdatatableI have written my issue below. Please check and let me know the solution for it.const tableHeader = ref([ { columnName: "Email", columnLabel: "email", sortEnabled: true,...
Hello,After upgrading bootstrap to 5.2.0-beta in the Vue Demo 7 template, I am getting an error everytime I click a aside menu link as shown below. Would anyone know why this is happening?bootstrap.esm.js?0a67:74 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document': '#/dash...
Hello guys,I'm having some problems when running the "yarn serve" command in the metronic vue demo1 template, has anyone had the same problem?
I have used the updated theme's ktdatatable and I want to set the current page dynamic.I have used :current-page="2" but not working and it's set 1st page by default event I have set 2 in current page parameter.Waiting for your replyThank you!
HiI downloaded Metronic 8 package and wanna use Laravel. Though there are lots of useful JS pre-initialized packages inside it, VueJs module is not added. How can I properly add vuejs module and use it.Thanks in advance
Hi,This morning, I tried to implement Vue Metronic v8.1.1 on my Nuxt3 app. However, I have several errors due to libraries used by Metronic which are no longer implemented by default, such as vuex which has been replaced by pinia, the official Vue recommendation.Is it planned in the next upd...
In version 8.1.1 with vue When i run: npm run serve i get this errors:ERROR in src/components/widgets/charts/Widget1.vue:135:9TS2322: Type '{ horizontal: false; columnWidth: string; endingShape: string; }' is not assignable to type '{ horizontal?: boolean | undefined; columnWidth?: string...
Hi,There is a bug in the date picker. When I click on any date, the calendar menu closes. Sometimes it can select the correct date but most of the time it doesn't select the date I clicked. did no...
Hi, when does the Vue version gets updated with the latest design/css/html updates from the HTML version?
Hi,the issue is here we click on calendar to move between months or pick a different year range ... no matter what calendar is closing. S...
Hi,I'm having the above mentioned error throwing all the time when I try to make call to 'ApiService'. Kindly advice me as It's kind of a blocker for me. Please find the snippet of the code below.Please suggest me how to solve this problem or what I'm mising the code?import ApiS...
Hi all,I have an error using the vscode IDE and the metronic demo1 for vuejs.I do not have any custom modification in it yet, so the code is the original one.I am using VSCode in a macos running all the last version of it.I am using the extension volar for VUE.Some of the components ar...
Hi,In the password data input fields the revealed button (eye) do not appear in Chrome and Firefox browsers. However, in the Microsoft Edge the "eye" appear after I type, but it stops appearing after leaving the field.Its possible to solve this behavior?Thanks and best regards,MB
Demo 3, left indent for sub menu is not working.After downloading the file, I ran the code without any changes, but the indentation in the sub menu does not work properly.
Hi guys, i recently bought mecatronic 8 theme implemented with Laravel+Vue. When i run npm the compiler tends to get stuck at 64% for 40-50 minutes. I dont use Gulp, but could Gulp make a better flow?