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Tag: Vue (614)

In Metronic theme in forms if we hit tab then it behaves strangely, e.g in Sign In page I entered email and then I hit tab then the focus goes to the forgot password link and not on the text of password, this happens in almost all the forms that I have integrated, so can you please provide a solutio...
I was not able to integrate the HTML tooltip that was provided in the theme and I did not find any tooltip in the Vue doc so I implemented element plus tooltip but sometimes randomly it behaves strangely Does Vue demo have a tooltip? so I can integrate thatissue: https://rxteam376-my.sharepoint....
Is there any way in vue demo that we can set the action button on the breadcrumb section right side dynamically based on the page same as the breadcrumbs?
In this filecomponents/page-layouts/Auth.vue Line 62change REMOVE_BODY_CLASSNAME to REMOVE_BODY_ATTRIBUTE it is wrong line you need to remove the attrs not the class
> @ dev /www/wwwroot/demo1/vue_laravel> npm run development> @ development /www/wwwroot/demo1/vue_laravel> mixsh: mix: command not foundnpm ERR! code ELIFECYCLEnpm ERR! syscall spawnnpm ERR! file shnpm ERR! errno ENOENTnpm ERR! @ development: `mix`npm ERR! spawn ENOE...
When I execute command "yarn run serve".some problemsD:\metronic8\src\views\crafted\widgets\Tables.vue1:1 error Parsing error: Unexpected token
If the user is already logged-in then how can I redirect user to "dashboard" if he tries to visit the "sign-in" page?In current scenario:If the user is logged-in, still able to visit "sign-in" page and type login credentials.
Hello there! Metronic's Vue@Demo6 does not work after installation. Could you check it please and help me?
The code works as usual, but it is always warning these errors like shown in this image: could I solve it?
How to redirect from sign-in to dashboard if user logged in??
Hi do you have ready build for vuejs with vite ?
With functions like this, how do redirect the user to the previous page after a successful loginconst router = createRouter({ history: createWebHashHistory(), routes,});router.beforeEach(() => { // reset config to initial state store.commit(Mutations.RESET_LAYOUT_CONFIG...
HiI am having trouble getting the vue version working right. I am now just working with the demo but that is far from perfect. In the video about how to start it you export a file, but for vue that is not the case. You just have a bit of typescript, that's it. How am I supposed to start a vue pr...
None of the VueJS demos have a working data table that is able to filter via the search
I encountered many problems when building vuejs with HTML version. Would you like to ask me if you will build demo11 into a demo program of vuejs in the future?
I'm getting thousands of errors when trying to setup eslint properly. I didn’t find anything in the documentation.I followed the steps and installed the theme using "npm install", but when I do "npm run serve" I get a message saying the eslintrc file is missing.I tried to do "eslint --init"...
How can I use just some of the components like "time-line, drower, and card" from Metronic in my current Vue-JS or React-JS project?
is JS version available for Vue Theme?
Hello,Can you provide demo 20 template for Laravel + Vue version?Thank you
Hello, are you planning to prepare a vue ui kit? The current metronic 8 vue project is very complex and I need to edit a lot. It would be great to use it like Vuetify.
When I use a v-if="toolbarStatus" in the first DIV element, it does shows the button, but it does not shows the Dropdown3 elements. This only happens when I'm from route "A" going to end route "B" which loads the Toolbar. Does this have to do with router-link which I'm using in route A...
Just picked up Metronic 8 and am trying to get started with a Laravel/Vue project. Can't find any good getting started resources for the new version. Trying to follow and modify this walkthrough for Metronic 7, ( but not gett...