i love Metronic theme, but the charts widgets are use apexcharts,
do you have any sample-like components---->dashboard_default-widgets---> widget*.vue are all use apex-charts.
so i just want to know do you have any sample which use Apache ECharts, that will good helpful for me. i can modify according to sample style.
and i see there are echart plugins.
so if you can show me one sample, that will helpful for us
We haven't tried using Apache ECharts at the moment, we will check those charts and consider using them in our theme in the next releases.
You can replace apex-charts inside our widget components, but they will look differently with Apache ECharts default styles.
In our HTML version we have many chart examples, so probably you can find something suitable for you, and adopting charts from HTML version will be a lot easier since all required styles are already included into our Metronic Vue version.
Let me know if you will need any additional help on this.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team