how to change direction on metronic vue to rtl
You might need to make other changes to ensure accurate RTL rendering, depending on your particular application and layout. Make sure geometry dash lite that the text is oriented correctly and that all the components and styles in your application are reviewed. Convert any hard-coded CSS rules or styles that are unique to LTR to their RTL counterparts.
After making these changes, thoroughly test your application to ensure that all elements are properly aligned connections and displayed in the RTL layout. Pay attention to text direction, alignment, and overall appearance.
RTL webpack script was removed in Metronic V8.1.6, to get RTL styles now you can reuse webpack or gulp script from our HTML version.
Then you can manually copy the RTL file from the HTML version into the assets folder and import this file in src/App.vue.
@import "assets/style.bundle.rtl.css";