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Tag: Vue (615)

Is there any documentation for multi auth for the theme , I want to redirect users and admins on different login portals and how to set it ?
Hello, I have gone through Horizontal Form in Vue it's pretty impressive. But I am stuck, I want to add dynamic input fields for example Phone 1 , Phone 2 also need to validate them after going to next step
npm ERR! While resolving: demo8@8.1.5npm ERR! Found: @popperjs/core@2.11.5npm ERR! node_modules/@popperjs/corenpm ERR! @popperjs/core@"2.11.5" from the root projectnpm ERR!npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency:npm ERR! peer @popperjs/core@"^2.11.6" from bootstrap@5.2.2npm ERR! node_mod...
I am working on laravel project , using vue 3 with it , when i am running npm run serve is gives the following errorModule not found: Error: Can't resolve './src/main.ts' in 'C:\laragon\www\marco_v2'while running npm run watch it compiles it , and it is working fine , what i am trying to ach...
Is there any way to group records using a specific column in the Vue DataGrid - sort of like what there is here;
Hey,In my view file, I have 3 components that are imported. Inside each component, I have button and dropdown. The issue that I have, that only first component work and 2 others aren't working. When I remove first component, 2nd starting to work normally. In my opinion, it's maybe a issue in...
Hi, I'm using the "steper" component in a wizard with mandatory fields to be filled in.However, the error messages are appearing initially, without the user trying to move to the next step (when the messages should appear).Do you know how to solve this?I'm using Metronic 8.1.4 - Vue....
Hello,I am using VueJS and Metronic HTML template, I am using this widget but the cards are rendered inside a for loop.The dropdown menu is not showing :
Hello,There is a problem with the KTDatatable loading screen.It is light in dark theme and dark in light theme.Changing the order of the colors breaks the whole theme.What is your recommendation for this?Thank you.
I'd like to integrate with easyui but this is happen to me, any solution for this?Uncaught TypeError: No method named "destroy" at HTMLInputElement. (plugins.bundle.js:25:159338) at Function.each (plugins.bundle.js:14:3003) at _.fn.init.each (plugins.bundle.js:14:1482)...
Hi, just noticed that vue-cli is flagged as in maintenance mode, and they suggest people to use create-vue instead (with Vite).Is this something that is coming in a future update to the Vue version sometimes soon?Thanks in advance!
Hi Team:I found a bug When I go to firstpageAnd go to demo1's subscription-listif my data has data it is ok to click Actionsbut if my init data is empyt it will go back to homepage
Hello everyone,I'm trying to fully integrate Metronic theme with Laravel / Vue.My version of Laravel is 6 (6.20.11), a version of laravel-mix is latest version (6).My current Metronic theme version is 8.I've been following this part of documentation (
I found some error messages while compiling Vue version of demo8 downloaded from the site, and all of them are on "endingShape": "..." in ApexChart.endingShape is deprecated long time ago since ApexChart 3.27 but Metronic8 demos are still using this, which is quite surprising.
HiI try to use "" to catch when the user dropdown menu is open.But on vue3 and Metronic 8.0.38 I get this javascript error:Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: _layout_header_Topbar_vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.default?.reinitialization is not a function...
xconsole.log(store.getters.currentUser);returns : {id: 402, first_name: 'x', last_name: 'y', email: '', email_verified_at: null, …}expected return : { name: 'x', surname : 'y' ... }
Hi,I'm using VUE componentes and I find some issues with charts / widget3 component.1. The 3 top righ buttons (Year, Month and Week) buttons doesn't work (I click and nothing happens);2. I'm not able to internacionalize the x-axis and mouse tip (I cannot transate the name of the months t...
Hi Teams,Thanks for last update and vuejs fixes/upgrades.Just for information:1. Almost all vuejs online previews 3,4,5 shows us blank page SignIn page has been changed and it is not scaling good on mobile Refards thanks
Please provide me an update zip because I'm unable to find eCommerce section in vuejs demo 7. you can find some screen shots
There's too many errors coming from all Vue files. Is there any way to fix them?Please help.Cheers,MizanExample:* Account.vueType '{ href: string; class: string; dataBsToggle: string; "data-bs-toggle": string; dataBsTarget: string; "data-bs-target": string; }' is not assignable t...
The official state management library for Vue has changed to Pinia ( Pinia has almost the exact same or enhanced API as Vuex 5. Vuex 3 and 4 will still be maintained. However, it's unlikely to add new functionalities to it. Please could consider migrating Vuex to Pinia o...
RequirementMetronic version before v8.1.6PHP 8.1.9+Composer 2.4.1+Node 16.16.0+Create a new Laravel 9 pro...