Hello, I am using HTML Metronic, and you know there are many repetitive DIV module like Footer, Header, Sidebar, So I want to decompose them. I decide to make them Vue modules. In other words, I will add Vue-template(the inner code is the same as the original code) to HTML by httpVueLoader. Everything including various labels(boostrap, css, js) is OK except the label including "kt". They will can't work by this kind of way. I want to know why and what can be done about it. Otherwise, I have to write JS by myself.
Thank you.
Attributes that start with data-kt- are custom Keenthemes attributes, mostly used for our custom typescript components initialization and layout initialization, attributes that start with data-bs- are Bootstrap 5 attributes.
These attributes in Vue version should work the same way as they work in our HTML version.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team