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Tag: React (808)

Do you have any plans to convert the e-commerce app for react any time soon?Thanks
Any idea when you will update to React Router v6 or any known issues doing that?
My company uses Metronic 7.2.9 as I'm a new developer and implementing the theme for the frontend part. But the problem is when I am using Axios for any get or post method, it always shows a 404 response. But the fetch method is working fine. The theme is fresh and used only for two days. I don'...
Just curious if you have an estimated timeline that Demo 4 will be available in React?
Hi,1. Currently Demo 31 is only available in HTML version, is it Possible to build it on react?2. I am getting error after i do `npm start` on all react demos.ERROR : D:\Quixta\Project\Sales AI\Frontend Code\React\metronic_react_v8.2.0_demo7\demo7>npm start> demo6@8.2.0 start>...
I have a problem, when I copy+paste any code ( Modals, Accordions etc ) which includes any data-bs property. The code is not working, it renders but it will not toggle modal or roll down accordions. Any sugestions what can be wrong? Thank you
can you give how to implement ImageInputComponent ?I want my input for avatar has the same style and functionality as in html demo1 when the user change avatar in setting profile.
Hellowe are opening the modal as shown in the react demo. We are to know when the modal is shown and closed. How can we capture the and event.Your early response is appriciated.RegardsFarhan
Hello, I would like to connect version metronic9 to my project in version metronic8. Can I ask for help?
Hello, I think there is a problem right now with your cloud authentication API ( The field api_token is null in the response body. It is then impossible to validate the token with the second API call (
I'm going to use Metronic theme(v8.0.37) first time in my React project.I've gone through many docs/videos, but I'm not getting how to use it or how to start with it in my React project. So can anyone please help me/guide me? Thank you.
I am using React Template.When I click an item on the list screen, Link to the detail screen.Then I back to the list page, the window scrolls up to the top.I don't want to disable scroll top all screen, just some screen.How can I prevent scroll top on some screens? I think it affects b...
I want to apply js functions of the metronic html version files in a react proyect. It works, but only works when component is rendered at first time. Nexts times y have to reload the page until it works..
Hi keenthemes,I want to create a new project with a blank page. Can this be done?
Hi is it any way how to add toggle light/dark theme to react metronic demo 1 ? thank you for reply
Hi we have setup the metronic react theme demo4 and purpose of the theme was downloaded for crypto project. For my project we have installed below npm package "@solana/spl-token": "^0.2.0", "@solana/wallet-adapter-base": "^0.9.5", "@solana/wallet-adapter-react": "^0.15.4",...
Js files are not working in my react proyect, just works when i reload page or i lauch project first time, then i navigate and js stop working
Hi,I am implementing a simple Redux ToolKit Query in the Topbar component, where the user info is fetched with a generated useQuery hook. Once the data is loaded the component is rendered and the data is passed down as props to the HeaderUserMenu component. The issue we are facing is that with t...
Hi,I bought the Good template via and then also found out about Metronic which looks even more interesting.I also noticed other requests for NextJS and from recent comments I understand this is coming soon... which would be awesome?Could you maybe give more details what...
im trying to create the build file but when i run the index.html file its showing the logo loading
I purchased metronics from themeforest. After making the build when I upload it to the server, it doesn’t open the login page instead keeps loading. Please fix this bug on priority.
The sidebar not hiding when pressing on toggle button. Any suggestions please ?