I purchased metronics from themeforest. After making the build when I upload it to the server, it doesn’t open the login page instead keeps loading. Please fix this bug on priority.
I am facing the same issue please help me if you have resolved that.
It just shows the logo and loading...
p.s. I am trying Serve production mode
Have you setup your domain homepage
in the package.json before build your prod?
We don't have such issues with the builds React demos. Actually, our React App is based on CRA and we haven't changed any base configuration.
You can follow the off.docs for CRA: https://create-react-app.dev/docs/deployment/.
Keenthemes support
I have got same problem, when i build and try to give it production in netlify or versel that time just logo and loading... but when i run it on local host that time run and every thing is okay but what is the problem?? https://poetic-chaja-f6d6c8.netlify.app/
"name": "demo1",
"version": "8.1.8",
"private": true,
"homepage": "/metronic8/react/demo1",
this is my url .please give a solution .
Try to check the docs, maybe it will help you:
Keenthemes support