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Tag: HTML (1243)

If " Light Sidebar " is active, [ Fixed Header ] Does not workLayout Builder > Layout: Light SidebarLayout Builder > Header > Fixed: [ Desktop Mode = true ] & [ Mobile Mode = true ]Tested in: Demo1Try to test a little before publishing :)
When the output file uses the parent page, inappropriate tags are usedExample: !--{{}}--> }}--> }}-->
when in [ layout-builder ] it is active [ Header > Content > Page Title ] The error " Uncaught TypeError: element is null " appears.Tested in Demo1
how can i include metronic v7 template in my laravel project step by step you Please check some pages are missing in latest version Please check and add those pages.
Hi!Can I check if anyone can guide me on how to minify both JS and CSS?I've have tried the steps on the documentation and the size of the js and css are still the same.Cheers,Andy
On this page, we have some filters to apply to the datatables, but there is no documentation on how to use them or how to make them look like the example. found the only documentation at:
Regular outline buttons all have a gray border regardless if they are primary, warning etc. until they get hover and on hover the color works fine.In the other hand dash outline buttons have the right color until they get hover and then the border turns blue in all of them regardless if they are...
Hi,I just upgraded to 8.1.0 Html Demo1, but the minimized aside function on page load is not an option in this version at all.Will like for the side menu to collapse on load of every page, I check similar question posted here, it didn't work.
Hey,Do you plan to make visual alignements between Metronic HTML and Metronic Vue (Aside, top navigation, ... are not the same) If yes, when can I expected an update for vue version?
I saw this mentioned in the announcement email for Metronic 8.1, but when I clicked and was taken to the demo page, I didn't see the particular demo for the Django Starter.Please advise.Thank you.
I want to hide a particular div by giving them a class
i have noticed that you just released a new update and when I try to change the CSS and js files from the new update to my existing project it does not work properly side menu being diappreadKindly help, i have the support facility in my purchase
Hi Keenthemes Teams, How to make fixed header, menu, breadcrumb like demo 6, in demo 11?
Hi, form select control doesn't show with proper design. Is there any js script initialization required to make it work? How can I fix this in the angular project? Please have a look at the below screenshots:
Hi, I have a problem with loading time. We have used this template to develop the admin panel and due to low connection speed, loading time become a major problem now. Actually, we have used a few components only and there are lots of unwanted parts. So, identified that if remove those fro...
I can only use the HTML version, as my stack is CI or raw PHP, not Laravel or React.In the HTML version, GULP and WEBPACK only assist with compiling SASS to CSS. Only the assets folder is affected.There doesn't appear to be any snippets library for HTML demo in the SRC folder, there's only f...
Hi I don't use Vue, React, or Laravel.. I'm using CI so I'm limited to the HTML pack only.The HTML version only contains static HTML pages and requires a large overhead to get the snippets required for build.$39 USD ($60 AUD) is high cost for static pages that I need to spend days / week...
Hi team, we want to have the aside menu not interrupting the header menu (log, links, etc). 1. We want the header should full as what can be seen if you perform the following(1.a) navigate to,(1.b) click on layout( 1.c) se...
Why does the demo1 angular source I download lack many functions compared to Metronic's demo
Hi!How can I start Metronic 8.1.0 in dark mode by default (plain HTML)?Best regards!