I have an input element without label, instead I use placeholder. I want to show required asterisk within input or in any other elegant way.How to do that? The metronic documentation only shows the way for label input but there's no example for input without label.
hello All, i bought html demo and now i'm trying to take component/page from HTML demo to my angular project but when i'm importing JS Files in my angular.Json get error, compiled successfully but browser won't to load project by this errors ,the Js file in angular.json: "scripts": [...
Hi All,I've uploaded the Laravel Starter Kit as a Github project and from there uploaded it to Laravel Forge which deploys the application automatically. As described in the manual, I ran npm run dev and yarn but it still does not show any webpage.The web pointer is to /public, so that sho...
Hello - I LOVE Demo31 and have been working with it. There are times though I have no links/material to put in the app-sidebar-secondary.What I would love to do for those sections is to collapse/remove the app-sidebar-secondary, which would allow the main section to take that space as well,...
Tried adding edit function instead of view on ceres customers listing. Still new programmer but decided to do the same technique as delete button but cannot work. Tried other ways also and followed some examples but still coming out empty handed. Need to click the action button and then pass data fr...
Hi, kindly advice how i can make the icons display. I have followed all the steps for installation but cant seem to get them to display. What im i doing wrong?
hello, I found a link while trying to buy the metronic theme and I saw that they gave the files for free on this link. i think this is illegal can the moderators help me on this issue?domain ex: metronic.tks.******
Hello, I recently bought the metronic theme and after installing the theme, the slider in the left menu is constantly moving and it is not available in old versions, how can I fix it?
Hi there,i am using Dropzone + PHP to upload the files and success, but how can i show my files already stored and remove/add on my editable page?Question:1: how to init. the Dropzone by using the uploaded files?2: how to trigger the delete file to let server end know which of file i want...
Hello, i saw that templates have a error in a font that wasnt happen before, the layout its awfull because of that.The font CourierPrime-Regular.ttf was not found.Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)CourierPrime-Regular.ttf:1 What Can i do?
Hello, is there any easy way to use html demo 39 in the angular version? I see in the documentation that the html versions could work into the angular version but in the documentation it explain it very easy like if just copy and paste the html to the component.html in angular should work but.. as a...
Hi we are trying to implement the angular version ofhttps://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/angular/demo7/dashboardbut sadly is not the same as the HTML version :( why?https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo7/dashboardCan you please guide us on how to have the look and feel the same...
Currently we use Metronic 6 and we want to upgrade to Metronic 8 soon.Do you plan to release another version of Metronic soon? If so, when?Perhaps it would be better for us to wait and upgrade right away to the new version.
Hello to the all participants of awesome KT Team!> I'm having problem implementing scroll to textarea. Is it possible to show metronics scroll styles instead browsers default scroll bar or it's not including textarea scrolls?
An error occur when loading .js script files from sign-in.htmlFirefox console shows:Resource “http://localhost:7060/login” was blocked due to a discordance of type MIME (“text/html”) (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff). load fail. Source: "http://localhost:7060/assets/plugins/global...
hello i want to make the background of the sub menu a little darker when it opens, and when I do it, it doesn't become a full width how can I fix itex:i want make this
Hi There,when scroll you can see flickering occurs with fixed header show/hide. this is troubling the user experience in mobile because I have a button to touch that button closer to the triggering point of the header show, so I have scrolled to the bottom and trying to touch the button button...
Hi, I'm using ktDataTable html table, i need could refresh de data in the table. To do this i´m deleting the html inside tbody on my page using javascript and recreating all the rows of my table. After i´m trying of execute the function of ktdatatable destroy and reload, but the table refresh t...