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Tag: Angular (614)

Hi, I have some details with the Demo1 sidebar and top bar menu , when i first access the page they don't work, unless I make a full page reload. Is there a way to reload the Custom Javascript or something else in order to ensure the menu works from de begging?I'd appreciate your feed back
Hi , Iam using Metronics Angular , i need to remove the authentication of metronics , which means that even if i give wrong emaild id and password , so its needs to go dashboard smoothly , can u please inform here which file or code i need to remove authentication . please inform how can i remove Au...
Hello,I am using Metronic's Angular latest version V8.2.5.I'm currently in the process of implementing a custom user-inner dropdown component within the navbar component of my application. However, I've encountered an issue with the behavior of the data-kt-menu-trigger attribute. Specifically, w...
Hello Team,I need below Angular 13 Theme you please make it available for us. Please let me know when its ready.
i bought this dashboard template projest is angular project, Using Metronic 9 tailwind . i also did the installation toturial
Hello,When I set the data-kt-menu-trigger attribute to click in the search dropdown component, the menu is hidden automatically when clicking on the inner input control.I think that the
Dear Support Team,I'm struggling to make the menus work when I press the button. We have aspnetzero 11.3 with Angular and Metronic 8.I got to the point that menus work when the page is initially loaded however if I have a button with a menu attached on the cards which dynamically load (lazy...
Hello,I got an angular theme (demo1) from one of my clients and I want to implement multi-select functionality. But unable to find any demo of multi-select or relevant features. Could you please help me find this?Thanks.
On a large screen it works normally, it does not generate a problem, when it is executed on a table or cell phone the side is not displayed for more click on the icon to show the menu on the mobile
We are currently using Angular 14 for our application and are considering purchasing your product. Could you please confirm if your product is compatible with Angular 14? If there are any additional steps or considerations we need to be aware of, we would appreciate your guidance.
Hello. Im trying to implement the avatar option on an angular project using ImageInputComponent. I have bootstrap ImageInputComponent on the ngOnInit of my component like this: ImageInputComponent.bootstrap('#my-avatar')But this is not working, the cancel or remove options, never worked...
Hello, Do you have an estimate for when Metronic with support for Angular 17 will be released?Thanks,Niclas
Hi,Can i use Metronic Demo39 (HTML- Billing SaaS) in Angular?what is the step needed to implement it in Angular?
When i define datatable i ghet this error in my index page, where can i put my script to define datatable after jquery and others scripts loaded?ndex:9215 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined it supported can be used in angular metronic
Hi there, I need help:I need to switch between light and dark mode on metronic angular template without refreshing the page, is there a way on doing that?I've noticed that there is an injectable service that sets the mode on localStorage but afterwards it reloads the page. I need it to toggle...
I have an extension folder with an images path to put all my custom icons, but inlineSVG does not work when I refer to my SVGS. They do not load at all. When I put it inside the metronic assets folder they load fine. Is there a predefined URL set by the module somewhere? I would like to use my o...
I would like to create a CRM WebApp using Demo 14 and my organisation would like to use Angular as the Web framework of choice. Will we run into any problems using the Demo 14 Html template?
metronic latest version we will use the angular version included in metronic 7 until the angular crud is added.the crud and table features have been added very nicely, but the function of uploading files and adding images is missing herewe would like to add the function of adding images and...
Everything ive tried to do to implement my package has failed. All i can do is install old packages, and some I cant even get to work. for example: import {} from '@types/googlemaps';Is not able to work with it. every single time I try to make it in my project i get this: npm E...
Hi, there is a bug in search textbox in the header toolbar.when I click to write something, the box close immediately. try to see if in the demo2, the behavior is the same, but no, is work correclty.https://preview.keenthem...
i followed the same as per this link its conflicting with the ScriptsInitComponent.initPageInfo() where its trying to recalculate the page title again this.pageInfo.calculateTitle();and the page title is getting upd...