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Tag: Angular (573)

Hi,I'm unable to get React & Angular specific sections in the Metronic 8 documentation and tutorials.I'd appreciate if you can share links relevant to setting up new React and Angular projects using Metronic 8.
Is angular theme available in angular 13 vesion?
Hi!I am working with demo 5 (Angular) example and am currently struggling with a situation where dropdowns don't open when I click on them. This happens only after I have navigated away from /dashboard to let's say /auth/login and back. I am using the 'data-kt-menu-trigger="click"' logic.I I...
Hi! I installed Angular on my new website, but I'm using the HTML version from this theme and apply the theme manually by copying the design I need. Header and sidebar animations don't work.The console show this error:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'on') at O...
I bought the theme and install locally but I didn't find some of the pages/components that is showing in theme preview like application , admin , multiple dashboard , user management etc. I am following this link for preview an...
Hello... An angular newbie here, I get this when I do an "npm install"...npm ERR! code ERESOLVEnpm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency treenpm ERR! npm ERR! While resolving: demo1@8.0.38npm ERR! Found: @angular/compiler@13.2.5npm ERR! node_modules/@angular/compilernpm ERR! @...
Hello, I bought Metronic theme but I didn't get all the versions in the download file.I don't know how to pull all the pages after deploying the theme on our server, specifically Products, Admin, User etc. Thank you.
Hello to everybody,I write you since we've a regular license support and I wish to take the best from Metronic template, I need to perform some CRUD operations on some items I access via REST API.In my particular case I want to know what's the best practice to insert/edit an item. Currently I'...
My purchase code in themeforest for metronic is 0a4d6273-250b-4024-88ed-05130e974571webpack-rtl.config.js file does not exixst.I couldn't use the metric angular RTL please helpThanks Ramy
Hi, I am new in metronic and angular as well, I am trying to implement synamic table with server side pagination, sort, filtering etc. What is the best way to do this in metronic 8 and if possible is there any example implements client side of this.Thanks
Hello,I've an Angualr project I started working on and yesterday my company bougth a license of metronic.First thing I noticed is that there's not a online guide on how to install metronic 8 for Angular.Second question is it's possible to integrate metronic on an existing application? Can...
Have started building a site using Metronic, I was wondering when demo 5 (Q&A site) for Angular will be ready? This would give me a jumpstart on my project. If its not going to be ready soon I will just start coding from scratch. Thanks.
Hello,I have a Aside Menu with the following Display, Fixed, Minimize and Minimized configs set to true.When the Aside Menu is minimized, the arrow (toogle aside icon) is represented backwards. It should be facing right, but it's facing left. Can you explain how to solve this bug please?Than...
I was testing the template: Im getting data with an observable from a rest api, then in my component created a subscribe function, but when I try to fill my table with the requested data, it doesn't on first load, then when I click again in the menu then it fill corretly. And dont makes mi sense cau...
Hello! First of all let me say I'm loving the theme so far, great work guys!There's a bug with the sidebar on Angular's demo1 , when you click the button to collapse it, it "extends" the main container but the sidebar remains the same, thus hiding part of the content behind the sidebar.The e...
Any example which shows how can I initialize datatables component in angular demo3?
Hi,We have facing some issues in metronic 13.2.5 the Angular demo files are not working as expected like the modal popup are not working and as expected html files and angular design are not same. wants all html files...
Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!I have purchased Metronic 13.2.5 i have access to all figma files in this theme. But i want to have access for all angular file related to all those figma design. Unfortunately i have only the access for Demo 1 in that modal popup are not please guide me for...
Hello,i am using the version for angular. I wanted to know if there is any way to insert password visibility toggle button in the input field like this example you very much
Hi,I have bought Metronic angular.In my download I have only docs and demo.In documentation you say to change to theme folder.I do not see this theme folder.I want to start with minimum configuration and add only needed components
Hi, i have purchased the theme but in zip file only have demo 1, where are the other demos?