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Tag: Angular (534)

I am trying to use demo1 from metronic. I bought the base for it. I download and unzipped everything. I have used gulp as they said on their directions but I cant figure out why I cant open even the demo app let alone how to integrate the code into my current application please help
Hello,I want to implement the sort functionality in angular 13 (KeenTheme). Please click on the below link to get an idea of what I want to do. want the same functionality but in Angular 13. Please advise.
After downloading the new metronic update, i get this error:./node_modules/@fullcalendar/common/main.css:4:0 - Error: Module parse failed: Unexpected token (4:0)You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See https://we...
Hello- The Demo1 seems to conflict with Angular "scrollPositionRestoration" option. How can I stop default "scroll to top" behaviour on select pages?- I downloaded for 8.1.1, however in the pack it is 8.1.0.ThanksCem
I notice that you don't have demo8 in angular version (coming soon).When will be available?
I installed metronic in angular, but for every page I create, I have to create a css and insert the classes that are being used in the page.Is there a possibility to insert all metronic css in angular? So I won't need to do page by page
Based on below doc, I added 2 tabs and their contents in a angular component. But tab change doesn't work. Is there any script initialization required?
Hi, form select control doesn't show with proper design. Is there any js script initialization required to make it work? How can I fix this in the angular project? Please have a look at the below screenshots:
Hello,I am looking to utilize firebase auth and would like to integrate it into my angular project. Thanks, Anthony
Hello,i'm trying to follow as best the metronic structure, and I've used SweetAlert to show confirmation popup, but it clashes with the metronic layout. which one do you use normally? bootbox?Thanks
Hi,There seems to be a bug when you group together a menu-item menu-accordion and a menu-item inside a main menu-sub menu-sub-accordioninside Aside-menu-componentBasically something like this:
Why does the demo1 angular source I download lack many functions compared to Metronic's demo
Hi, I had seen KTPasswordMeter is being used in HTML demos. While in the Angular demo there is a component named - PasswordMeterComponent.Now would you please tell, me how to use PasswordMeterComponent on the Angular signup page? I wouldn't like to use it as a global script. Any doc on Passw...
Hello, can you tell me please why angular theme is different and i cant use html classes inside, to change it.Example:1. HTML Left aside bar has classes: app-sidebar flex-column2. Angular Left aside bar classes: aside aside-light aside-hover...
I am using Rider HTML free theme and trying to integrate in Angular but somehow some functionalities are not working like sidebar menu open, search menu open, profile menu open. I have added all styles and scripts in angular project still I am getting error
Hello. I bought the template to use it in Angular, but the components of the "Project" tab are missing, which are the ones I need to use. Please can you tell me how to get to these and use them in my Angular project?
Hi,Currently im trying to route to a page which is not in aside menus (im navigating via routerLink in user-inner component, I am successfully redirected to the page but the title cant seem to be generated. any thoughts?
Hello,content-wise, are there any differences from default HTML version if I am going to use Angular version? For example Datatables plugin seem to be missing on Angular. Are the plugins and content differences only matter of demo preview or whole version?Thank you
Hi, are your demo projects for angular compatible with the angular cli? if not how are the angular projects built and run?Are there specific instruction for angular?Thanks.
Hello again,I'm trying to set the blu color on the current selected page as done here on example "Custom Demo" as well as putting the display below instead of on the top as default, how is this possible?...