HI.It is possible to add to the kt-datatables component (Vuejs) the option to customize the styles of the background color and borders of the cells. I need this option since I need to change the background color depending on a specific value in the cell.
I try to implement scroll to a section in Metronic Vue. What I did was editing the route/clean.ts and core/config/CleanMainMenuConfig.ts. But instead of scrolling to a section, it replace the body with the particular components. May I know how can I implement scroll to a section in Metronic Vue corr...
Hello,I upgraded the version with 8.1.1 The issue is in KtDataTable. I created the header array like below.const tableHeader = ref([ { columnName: "#Sr", columnLabel: "index", sortEnabled: true, columnWidth: 20, }, { colu...
Hi Teams,I noticed that when layout is set as light-sidebar the configuration header: { display: true, default: { container: "fluid", fixed: { desktop: true, mobile: true, }, menu: { display: true, iconType: "keen...
i need a full demo of vuejs like demo theme how can i get it for example with upload file function in vuejs not found in demo1 theme. In vue i don't see full like demo so i can get a full version with vue3 but not html. a lot of features I didn't find. It's hard to look at the template and imagine i...
I want the modal has the following options: backdrop: 'static',keyboard: falseHow to manage this? I want a modal which is not able to close at at by clicking outside the modal, nor by keyboard.
Hi Team , I have purchased a metronic theme, and started with setting up a project taking demo2 as a reference for userInterface . While making changes i found some missing codebase in downloaded folder. I am not able to find all menus item what is there shown into live preview List of item not...
when the item Per Page 10 the dropdown actions open when I click onbut when I select item Per Page 25 the dropdown actions not open after the item 10 from 11 to etc its not open .MetronicVue demo 8 version 8.1.6node v18.14.1npm 9.6.0
Hi,i already buy template but i try to run vuejs but cant run. its said error Delete `␍` prettier/prettier. please help me. i already spend my last money for this. please help me run this
i love Metronic theme, but the charts widgets are use apexcharts, do you have any sample-like components---->dashboard_default-widgets---> widget*.vue are all use apex-charts. so i just want to know do you have any sample which use Apache ECharts, that will good helpful for me. i can modify acco...
Hi,During development I make some mistakes. The error is normally logged to the console with component name, line and method. But I'm getting2app.2b3d77aa.js:4 Error at bc (app.2b3d77aa.js:12:5491) at Object.p [as resolve] (app.2b3d77aa.js:12:10333) at Object.T [as resolve]...
VUEJS TemplateI am using KTDatable with:checkbox-enabled = "true" and getting data from the server sideResponse:[ { "id": 1, "name": "User 1", "checked": true }, { "id": 2, "name": "User 2", "checked": false }]How can check this row by default?
Hi, next is great example how implementing datatable.net in vue, i think may help https://codesandbox.io/s/datatables-option-api-example-6g3ksj?file=/package.json:240-393
I am testing the metronic vue.js theme and using axios to fetch data from a simple API. I can fetch data in my method and output this in the console, but I cannot update the datatable itself. here is my code:export default defineComponent({ name: "kt-entity-list", components: {...
Hey, I have a few widgets, and I am currently doing a simple axios.get request. My issue is that it takes 1–3 seconds for the widgets to appear as the site is loaded, is there a way to display a loading circle or fetch data before the site is rendered?I've been searching, but I cannot find any d...