Hey,Do you plan to make visual alignements between Metronic HTML and Metronic Vue (Aside, top navigation, ... are not the same) If yes, when can I expected an update for vue version?
Hello,Calendar app contain a bug or error. When I'm trying to add an event using "+ Add event" button, I get only this error in my console.log:Uncaught TypeError: can't access property "hide", pa.getInstance(...) is nullClicking on a random day and closing modal make "+ add event" bu...
Hello,I have a problem creating a modal inside another modal. I tried different ways.For example:https://thewebdev.info/2022/05/08/how-to-open-another-modal-in-modal-with-bootstrap/and
Hey folks,When I submitted the form, can't really reset the modal.Could you please give the right way to dispose the modal after hide it?Thanks in advance!M.
I'm running Vue.JS on my local machine. The login page is not allowed to go further, it give error in https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/laravel/api/login?email=admin%40demo.com&password=demo
I am trying to deploy the Vue version of Metronic 8 to the DigitalOcean App Platform and am running into a mixed content error.Support is telling me that this can be resolved by changing ws:// to wss:// and http:// to https://in your app codeI am brand new to using Vue and am not sure how to...
I am using Datatable with Vue3. The table shows the actions menu on each row. The table displays the remote data so it has some delay to get the data from the server. The dropdown menu on each row is not displayed when the remote data get received. The dropdown works only when the table handles the...
Hi,I just bought the metronic template recently. I needed one element from it for my project, but it turned out it's vue3 and the codebase I'm working with is vue2. I was wondering if you still have code for metronic multistep wizard with vue2 laying around somewhere and would be willing to share...
I'm sure I followed the steps exactly as described above, but I'm having "404 (Not Found)" problems.GET http://[::1]:5173/resources/js/core/plugins/i18n net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) main.ts:8 GET http://[::1]:5173/resources/js/core/services/ApiService net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) main.ts...
I have been unable to get Boostrap Tooltips or Popovers to work in my project. I then checked the Demo 1 application and it seems like it's broken over there as well.For example it's working on the HTML template:Visit https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/widgets/mixed.html and scro...
I've had nothing but issues getting this set up in so many different environments. Trying to follow your documentation is so incredibly frustrating.Having said that i have been battling away with the Vue Laravel integration. I have followed the steps https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/vue/...
Hi! I'm using Metronic 9 and I have a modal with a button inside it to open another modal, but when I click this button the first modal is dismissed.Is there any way for me to cancel this behavior and allow stacked modals to exist?
Hi there,We are using your great template and we wish to implement keenicons. Thing is that we are using a previous version of your template and it is quite complicated to update the template (files, treefolder ... ).Is there a proper way to implement keenicons easier than comparing all the...