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Tag: Vue (694)

Hi, I cannot find the ecommerce.html in the downloaded vue demo2 which is available in the preview.
npm ERR! While resolving: demo8@8.1.5npm ERR! Found: @popperjs/core@2.11.5npm ERR! node_modules/@popperjs/corenpm ERR! @popperjs/core@"2.11.5" from the root projectnpm ERR!npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency:npm ERR! peer @popperjs/core@"^2.11.6" from bootstrap@5.2.2npm ERR! node_mod...
I tried to build an app using VueJS and Laravel And InertialJS but nothing works as expected.I added both scripts.js and plugins.js before ending body tag but none of template JavaScript functionality works. For example the dropdown on user avatar not working.Thanks
I just downloaded the new Metronic Demo 2 template and ran npm run serve and I received many errors pertaining to vue-i18n. Here is one of the errorsModule not found: Error: Package path ./index is not exported from package C:\localpath\metronic_v8.1.1_vue_demo2\demo2\node_modules\vue-i18n (se...
Throwing this error when executing "npm run serve"Already implemented import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n";Module not found: Error: Package path ./index is not exported from package D:\Development\Quote-Tool\Test\demo4\node_modules\vue-i18n (see exports field in D:\Development\Quote-Tool\Tes...
I am using your Vue.js theme, here any datatable related addition was not visible in my package.json file. As far as I understood when I examined the codes, you wrote your own datatable with vue. There is no serverside instance in the project. I wonder if you have a chance to give an example on this...
HelloHow can I use Metronic Tailwind, on Laravel Inertia Js
Hello. I used metronic theme for my website. But unfortunately one of packages stopped whole page and started a music with alert message. Can we replace sweetalert2 or lock it in next versions of theme?
Hello! I set up a project from scratch on laravel + Vue, and started needing html pages migrated. The ”/assets/js/scripts.bundle.js” is not working in the components which are connected via . Can you please tell me what this problem could be due to ?
hi, keen themesDropdown doesn't work for table Actions column.The reason we figured out was that keenthemes.js -> reinitializeComponents did not work because createInstances was not performed for the data rows received after the fetch API.If mock data is used without fetch API, the problem doe...
Hello,I want to implement select with the search but I am not able to do so and not even found any example of select with search on Vue demo.// Select element
Hi,I bought your Metronic 8 theme. I am using VUE verison. How Can I access this globalProperties in store modules can see what property I want to access : you.Berat
Hello author, i am trying to implement datatables in laravel + vue combo. Can you please help me out ? only KTDatatable is available in metronic 8 vue version and even in that there is not a single ajax KTDatatable example….How do i do that ? For sample there is only “resources/ts/src/store/modules/...
We purchased Metronic Vue (currently Metronic 8) two years ago for our portal development. However, we have always felt that the support for Form components is insufficient. If we use the ElementUI framework, it will not match the original style.Do you have any further solutions for this issue?...
How to implement your metronic to the vite app? There a lot of depedencies which create problems to me to use vite instead of webpack. Is it possible to use vite?
I have version 8.0.31 that the company bought.I tried logging in as and this account is not worked.If you look at the previous answer, you can see the upgrade answer. I can't find the location of that file on this site.What should I do?xhr.js?...
Exactly like this:, friend! We are very happy to use Metronic! It is wonderful! I am using my application in VueJs and metronic8/vue/demo1I need my users to see a fixed bottom menu for mobile phones like apps from the playstore,¿How can I do this ?Th...
Hi, I'm really interested in seeing a detailed documentation on integrating Laravel with Inertia and Vue. Despite numerous discussions on this topic, there's still a lack of comprehensive resources. If you could dedicate some time to create documentation for this, I would greatly appreciate it. Alte...
Hello,Im using Metronic Vue version 8.1.5, and I want to load a datatable with data loaded via HTTP Get using ApiService.So far the only way I found to be able to do that was by getting the data in my setup function and making the setup async as using Suspense.I was able to get the datat...
I'm having trouble with Pinia, when i refresh the page I'm sending back to the login page.And when I look to auth session info, the isAuthenticated is true. Can you guys help me?
The changelog show the update, Bootstrap 5.3.0 is supported. I downloaded the latest version, which is consistent with v8.1.6 except for the modification of getAssetPath function.:(even the version field in package.json is 8.1.6
i tried to download some file generated in my BE from API which work normal on other project but when i tried to use it in metronic excel can not read the filemy module:@Action [SalePlan.TEST]() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ApiService...