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Tag: Metronic (1397)

in your docs: using this search you are using some timeout (I guess for wait for user finish typing), but we have an issue that if the user will type a character just before the process will finish, his new input will not take...
Description: Upon loading the Metronic 8 React Admin Panel template, I encounter a glitch where the sidebar and the entire page seem to "build" as if they're loading. Specifically, I observe the sidebar moving up from the bottom and the header moving into the top position. Additionally, there is a l...
Hi,I am applying Read-only feature into my CKEditor-Classic to disable the editor because CKEditor does not support a built-in disabled feature.
Hello,I am considering purchasing the "Metronic HTML template v8.2.3." However, I couldn't find detailed information regarding the contents included in this HTML version within the documentation.Product link :
Hello.I need help with building the responsive Datatable.I am assembling it according to the example in the documentation, but the error below occurs: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'state')This error occurs in this code snippet based...
Hi,I have Metronic from ThemeForest. I am searching for other questions similar to mine. Found this one tried to do the same using the Metronic's KTMenu docs, but its not working.I have the global CSS and JS configured. The B...
Hi,I've a react project and i want to add metronic layouts and i want to use metronic components.But i dont want to use metronic default project structure.Can i add only template and component to my project?
Hello. Could you please provide detailed instructions or documentation on how to seamlessly integrate the Metronic template with a Symfony-based project with its own webpack build? Any insights or best practices specific to Symfony would be greatly appreciated.Thank you for your assistance....
When clicking on the User picture on a small size screen in in Metronic demo 7 for Vue, the user menu is not visible. It seems there is an issue with setting proper z-index.See the gif in full-size, It gets cropped here:
I want to use the 'app-dropdown-menu1' component in a component linked to the module I recently created. However, even though there is no error, the dropdown is not functioning. I will write the HTML file of the component and the import sections of the module file for the component I'm using. Can yo...
When clicking the sign out button on the User menu in Metronic demo 7 for Vue, the user gets redirected to the sign-in page, which is functioning as expected. However, the user menu remains open until the page is refreshed. It's worth noting that this issue does not occur consistently, but...
Iam using vue js template and there is a bug: after login its creating the "Menu wrapper" 2-times - so the Navbar is doubled. Any suggestions how to fix this?
Hi there,I've come across a small issues when using the bar graph that I just wonder how to fix it.Basically i'm using the Metronic dashboard theme and using the bar graph and I have the labels of each graph at the bottom but the names of each bar is to long that they overlap with the rest o...
Hi,I'm looking for some help regarding using Metronic with Rails 7 and turbo. I am struggling with some of the javascript not working after changing pages on the site. The problem I am focusing on at the moment is accordions in the dashboard side menu not working after a page change, but there a...
HelloI changed UserModel in _models.ts File Toexport interface UserModel { Username: string FirstName: string Surname: string ImagePath: string PersonalEmail: string PersonalPhone: string UserType: string}and i add Console.log
Hi,I followed your instruction below it seems like the priority of _variables.custom.scss i...
Hi,I am always using HTML-demo1 for my project and I satisfy with it. However, when I jumped from v8.2.0 to v8.2.3, the colors become vivid. Besides, I realize that the colors in demo 1 are different from those in your documentary- Demo 1
Hi,I am using CKEditor - Classic style and it seems like we do not support dark theme for it like the way we do for CKEditor - Inline / Quill / TinyMCE. Actually, it becomes worse if I do not set a color text class text-gray-700 as your example
Hello..I want to change the text in Splash Screenand the Text value will take from "en.json" or "ar.json" Loading ...
Hi,I am using the library UX Template themeforest-metronic-responsive-admin-dashboard-template.This library is working perfectly in latest Chrome and Mozilla browser, buts its not working properly in older version of browser.I am unable to attach screenshot in this textbox, same issue can b...
Dear Metronic Support Team,I hope this message finds you well. I am currently using your Metronic solution along with Laravel and have encountered some difficulties regarding the use of the Layout Builder. I have managed to customize a specific layout and downloaded these modifications, but I am...