I'm having problems to run blazor server app with metronic theme. I have followed instructions from https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/documentation/getting-started/integration/blazor.html as well from https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/documentation/getting-started/build/webpack.html?_ga=2.8700854.264215278.1647635383-1870540629.1646945224 but I always end up with error
Unhandled exception rendering component: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'moment')
TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'moment')
at http://localhost:5189/assets/plugins/global/plugins.bundle.js:25:168435
at http://localhost:5189/assets/plugins/global/plugins.bundle.js:25:168440
Microsoft.JSInterop.JSException: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'moment')
TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'moment')
at http://localhost:5189/assets/plugins/global/plugins.bundle.js:25:168435
at http://localhost:5189/assets/plugins/global/plugins.bundle.js:25:168440
at Microsoft.JSInterop.JSRuntime.InvokeAsync[TValue](Int64 targetInstanceId, String identifier, Object[] args)
at app.Shared.MainLayout.OnAfterRenderAsync(Boolean firstRender) in /Users/ivanbabic/Projects/app/Shared/MainLayout.razor:line 10
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree.Renderer.GetErrorHandledTask(Task taskToHandle, ComponentState owningComponentState)
Can you please let me know what to do?
Finally it is working! Building with webpack fixes issue. I had problem with webpack, it was necessary to remove line "type": "module", from package.json file. Found this on your videos. As advice for other users, I would suggest to write this comment on Webpack quick start page.
Thanks for replies.
Hi Ivan,
Thank you for your feedback.
It is already mentioned in our doc.
Please check highlighted section on step number 7.
You are right, totally missed red part sorry and thanks!
There is an issue with your plugins.bundle.js file, try rebuild it with npm in the first instance.
I have this fully running in blazor wasm and haven't seen this issue.
Yes could you please use webpack to build your assets, we will check gulp and fix in in upcoming releases.
Also, notice that our documentation covers the Metronic Blazor Server-side integration only. The Blazor Webassembly is not supported by Metronic at the moment.
Do you use a webpack to build assets?