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Tag: Metronic (1397)

I have a project in Symfony 5 that uses the Metronic 4.7 library. How can I update my project to the new Metronic 8.2.2 library and ensure that everything continues to function properly?
Hey Metronic Community,Our team is currently on the lookout for a developer proficient in software development using Metronic to collaborate on exciting customization projects for our clients. Who We're Looking For:The ideal candidate should have experie...
Hello Keenthemes Dev Team,I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out because I'm looking to update my Metronic template from version 8.1.7 to 8.2.1, as well as Angular from version 15 to version 16. However, I want to ensure that this update doesn't negatively impact my current project...
I bought your Metronic Theme for another account. Now, I'm having trouble with the side navigation. Even though I followed your documentation, I am facing an error when creating a new dropdown menu. In that submenu page. The error message I'm getting is http://localhost:3011/admin/error/404. C...
Hello, great job! Thank you for such a nice template. Unfortunately, the Django version isn't working. The command: `npm run build` fails with an error:```ReferenceError: require is not defined in ES module scope, you can use import insteadThis file is being treated as an ES module because i...
Hi.Is it just me or is there a bug?Modal windows with class modal-lg and modal-xl are not working for me.After showing such modal it breaks whole webpage.Modal contents is added to the end of the webpage and dark overlay (backdrop) covers entire page (also cover...
I am trying to migrate the metronic8 react theme to next js, but the layout gave me alot of problems , do you have a guide? or should I stop trying?
the border: 1px solid var(--bs-gray-300) ; , box-shadow: none; this line are over writtenthat is cauzing the boder to dispaly nont Old code .react-select-styled .react-select { &__control { --bs-form-select-bg-img: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='
HI, i want to display a custom specified error message if the user entered an incorrect user or Password, the error message should be specific instead of 'Sorry, looks like there are some errors detected, please try again.'i'm using Metronic Starter kit in laravel 10
Hey there, while exploring the demo version for VueJS, I'm curious if the premium version offers additional components and features beyond what's showcased in the demo version. Or is it restricted to the features demonstrated in the demo version?
Hello,When trying to build assets i get the following error. I can not seem to get passed it. Does anyone have an idea what this might be and how to solve this?~/Metronic/_keenthemes/tools$ gulp --demo31Using gulp config file: "../../gulp.config.js"[23:33:56] Using gulpfile ~/Metron...
Hi there, I want to create 3 bar graphs on one page that all display different data but when I reuse the same graph and change the ID and create separate JS files for them, one keeps disappearing. Im using the Js file found in "src/js/widgets/charts/widget-15.js" and created 3 different Js f...
Hello support team,I hope you are well. I'm writing to you because I'm having trouble using the Quick Search component in Metronic's Angular Demo 7 ( demo7/src/app/_metronic/layout/components/aside/tabs/projects-tab/search ).Unfortunately, despite my best efforts to implement it, I can't get...
SO my existing system is developed in web application . And we want upgrade the UI with metronic theme. Can we Integrate it to already existing system. In case after buying i still have issues with integration can i get a refund back. Will there be 24 * 7 support to help me with it.
Hi devs,I am using Starterkit Metronic Laravel 10.0, i want to implement roles and permission in my project structure in a sense that:1. user has his dashboard, and pages related to his account only2. Manager has his dashboard and view all users activities3. Support has access to some of t...
Hello I'm having issues with my metronic app, I'm trying to export it with CapacitorJS to iOS and Android but.. the new phones has some notch and right now just using the browser you want to use 100% of the nav viewport but using native apps (capacitorJs) you dont want the 100% because you have issu...
How can i make the sidebar permanently collapsed and get the submenus in hover over the side bar menus in metronic 8.2.2v "react". please help i am design a dashboard for my customer.
Hi guys,Could you please advise what is the best way of working with metronic template? Should I start a new react project from scratch and link metronic assets into it? Or should I better do in-place modifications in the template itself? Thanks.Best regards,Illia
Hi,do you have an example how can I use the charts with firebase data? On Metronic Angular
I am using Starterkit Metronic Laravel 10.0 and when I try to visit root (/) it automatically redirect to login page. I want to show a landing page and open login page when user click login button. How can I do this
Does Metronic have a datepicker inline?I mean not in input. Datepicker which I can add on the page as a calendar grid. Metronic 8 demo1
Hi team,I'm working on Metronic Laravel 8.2.3 for my frontend.Btw, when I login FE never display "Sorry, the email or password is incorrect, please try again."It only displays:- "You have successfully logged in!"- "Sorry, looks like there are some errors detected, please try again."I...