I am integrating Metronic to a SPA web app with Aurelia.js, VSCode and Webpack. When I build the application with NPM I get 3 warnings as the following:
There are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing.
This seems to have to do with inline svg declarations as the following
asset/inline|data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg xmlns=%27http://www.w3.org/2000/svg%27 viewBox=%27-4 -4 8 8%27%3E%3Ccircle r=%273%27 fill=%27%23FFF%27/%3E%3C/svg%3E
Compare these module identifiers:
@ ./src/assets/css/style.bundle.css.webpack[javascript/auto]!=!./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[0].use[2]!./src/assets/css/style.bundle.css 11:36-220
@ ./src/assets/css/style.bundle.css
@ ./src/main.ts 5:0-39
@ ./node_modules/aurelia-webpack-plugin/runtime/empty-entry.js
Any idea how I can resolve this?
I’ve faced the same issue with Webpack when integrating Metronic into my Aurelia.js app — those casing warnings can be frustrating! It usually happens when import paths don’t match the exact file name, so double-check for any subtle differences. Adding caseSensitivePathsPlugin to your Webpack config might help too. By the way, if you need a quick break, you can check out the free download the apk of lucky 101 game — it’s a fun way to relax and even earn some money!
It seems like the Webpack warning is due to case sensitivity issues in module names, especially with inline SVGs. Ensuring consistent casing in import paths might help resolve it. By the way, if you enjoy optimizing and building web apps, you might also like to unwind with my android game—it's a lot of fun!
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Yes, it works
Hi Marco,
Could you please try to change the color from #FFFFFF to #ffffff in file sass/components/_variables.custom.scss? We think the issue is coming from this.
Your suggestion resolved the problem. Thanks a lot, Faizal, I could never figure this out by myself.
Hi Marco,
The colour variable is used for SVG in components/mixins/_svg-bg-icon.scss to change SVG fill. We will fix the colour value.