Hi,We started to project with metronic 8.1.6 version. But now there is another version 8.1.8.Is it possible to download older versions.
Hello, I am trying to do the auth part in the metronic theme, but I get a 401 unauthorized login error. It was mentioned that it was not added in a question 5 months ago, but I would be very grateful if it was mentioned how to solve it. what sides I need to edit in the auth folder for metronic 8....
Hi,The problem i have in my Symfony 6 project happens when my routes have more than one "/" like so :#[Route('/user/{id}', name: 'edit_user')]This prevents any of my assets from loading correctly. I got a vague understanding of how Metronic loads these in my pages by checking...
Hi There,when scroll you can see flickering occurs with fixed header show/hide. this is troubling the user experience in mobile because I have a button to touch that button closer to the triggering point of the header show, so I have scrolled to the bottom and trying to touch the button button...
Hello,I just started working with metronic blazor template.Search icon and other icons of _Dropdown.razor component does not work. I think that @((MarkupString)KTTheme.GetIcon("magnifier", "fs-2 fs-lg-1") function does not return somethingThank you
Hello,I would like to know how to give focus to a form field in a modal. I'm using the Metronic template with VueJs.Regards,
Hi Brother,I am using Metronic Theme Demo 7 Package as v8.1.1,I am using DataTables Plugin on Tablespace,I Add Some Functions With DropDown To The Last Side Of The Lines,I'm Having Only One Problem,When there is a single line of data, when I click on the dropdown menu, the menu appears at...
Hi,can you add meta tags for schema.org.so when i share link from my website it shows our logo.please check schema.org there are many good things that can enhance metronic.Thanks
Good afternoon! I am a junior developer working with the metronic platform and I can't seem to make changes to the sidebar CSS. I found the file responsible for the sidebar CSS (_sidebar-light.css) and the code for the sidebar colour and border-bottom (perforated line underneath the logo). I need to...
Hi,I am trying to use ImageInputComponent with React version. When I add a single control in form that uses [data-kt-image-input] it works fine, but when i tried to add multiple controls for it the functionality doesn't work as expected.Can someone please help me out in this regard?Thank y...
Hi, I was trying to use both functionality at the same time: Here is my example html code:
Hi,I'm using metronic 8 for my laravel app. I need the "Docs & Components" button to be moved at the top of the sidebar (under the logo section). I tried many things and lookup to the documentation but I can't find anything about this.This button at the top of the sidebar will be use to send...
HiI want to report a bug in html demo 51.Go to the App->eCommerce->Catalog->Products and try to change number, from 10 to 25, of the products in the table, which is in the bottom of the table. You will see that is not possible. Also you can not check the products which are in the bottom of the...
I am trying to use ribbons to show multiple informations in card headers. My design idea requires multiple ribbons(atleast 3). Any possibility ?
C:\Projects\blazor_demo1\Starterkit\_keenthemes\tools>yarn install➤ YN0000: ┌ Resolution step➤ YN0002: │ bootstrap-maxlength@npm:1.10.1 doesn't provide popper.js (p0823b), requested by bootstrap➤ YN0002: │ keenthemes@workspace:. doesn't provide @egjs/hammerjs (p26ff8), requested by vis-timelin...
I have a menu accordion, and inside the menu accordion, there is a menu that is not being displayed. The issue arises when I click on the menu inside accordion, which contains a list of users with sub-menus. Specifically, when I click on a user's menu inside the accordion menu, it does not appear. I...
Hi everyone,how to make a model with form control but without form tags? because I need to send data to the controller by Ajax so, How to make this?Regards,
I have been using Metronic 8 Demo4 React version. When I hit npm start, it opens up the dashboard, but today this log in page has come up and when I entered the pre-given credentials, I'm unable to log in. The error reads "POST https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/laravel/api/login 404 (Not Foun...
I'm trying the Blazor StarterKit demo app for both 8.1.8 and 8.1.9 versions.Duotone icons are not working and it seems to me that plugins.bundle.css does not have the ki-duotone classes.Is it my mistake?May I download the css file from your site and replace the existing one, or this is a bad...
npm is not working I deleted "type": "module",webpack-cli] Failed to load '/Users/user/Desktop/django/djangotemplate/demo1/starterkit/_keenthemes/tools/webpack.config.js' config[webpack-cli] ReferenceError: require is not defined in ES module scope, you can use import insteadThis file...
I added this code in gulp.config.js... ckeditorclassic: { src: { scripts: [ "{$config.path.node_modules}/@ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic/build/ckeditor.js", "{$config.path.node_modules}/@ckeditor/ckeditor5-alignment/build/alignment.js" ] }, dist: { scripts: "{$config.d...
heading: "cove", pages: [ { heading: "data_analytics", route: "/analytics", keenthemesIcon: "parcel-tracking", bootstrapIcon: "bi-archive", }, { sectionTitle: "data_blueprints", route: "/", keenthemesIcon: "tria...