I just started working with metronic blazor template.
Search icon and other icons of _Dropdown.razor component does not work.
I think that @((MarkupString)KTTheme.GetIcon("magnifier", "fs-2 fs-lg-1") function does not return something
Thank you
Make sure the icon’s path is correctly specified. Check that the SVG or icon files are available in your assets and referenced accurately. https://animekhor.us/
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When working with the Metronic Blazor template, if the search icon and other icons in the _Dropdown.razor component are not displaying correctly, it could be due to several reasons related to how the icons are being retrieved and rendered by the KTTheme.GetIcon() method.
I hope you will work as hard in the future as you do now. The way you write has given me ideas quordle
I was unable to execute the application using your instructions.
After all, I launched the project in Visual Studio 2022 and, except from those icons, I had no trouble building and running puppet hockey
Hi Christos,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
We checked this issue in the latest Metronic version and all icons seem to be rendered correctly.
Have you modified anything in our codebase?
Do you have this problem with some specific icons or with all KTTheme.GetIcon usages in the theme?
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
Hi Lauris,
I have the same problem with all GetIcon usages.
Except from that, i was not able to run application according to your guide.
Finally, i opened the project with Visual Studio 2022 and I had not any problem to build it and run it, except from that icons.
At your disposal,
Christos Bokos
Hi Christos,
Did you have any errors?
Before running the application, you need to build assets with our Gulp or Webpack scripts.
You can refer to our Getting Started docs.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
I followed the getting-started guide but i got a lot of errors.
Hi Christos,
I am sorry to hear that.
Could you please attach your error message?
We will check the installation flow and will try to reproduce this error.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
Hi again Lauris,
I will run the installation steps again later and I will come back with more details about the errors.
Thank you,
Christos Bokos