C:\Projects\blazor_demo1\Starterkit\_keenthemes\tools>yarn install
⤠YN0000: â Resolution step
⤠YN0002: â bootstrap-maxlength@npm:1.10.1 doesn't provide popper.js (p0823b), requested by bootstrap
⤠YN0002: â keenthemes@workspace:. doesn't provide @egjs/hammerjs (p26ff8), requested by vis-timeline
⤠YN0002: â keenthemes@workspace:. doesn't provide component-emitter (p27f09), requested by vis-timeline
⤠YN0002: â keenthemes@workspace:. doesn't provide keycharm (pdb290), requested by vis-timeline
⤠YN0002: â keenthemes@workspace:. doesn't provide postcss (pcd48b), requested by postcss-loader
⤠YN0002: â keenthemes@workspace:. doesn't provide prop-types (p425cc), requested by @yaireo/tagify
⤠YN0002: â keenthemes@workspace:. doesn't provide propagating-hammerjs (pd5b8f), requested by vis-timeline
⤠YN0002: â keenthemes@workspace:. doesn't provide uuid (pcd607), requested by vis-timeline
⤠YN0002: â keenthemes@workspace:. doesn't provide vis-data (p6f481), requested by vis-timeline
⤠YN0002: â keenthemes@workspace:. doesn't provide vis-util (pe63ac), requested by vis-timeline
⤠YN0002: â keenthemes@workspace:. doesn't provide xss (pb7573), requested by vis-timeline
⤠YN0000: â Some peer dependencies are incorrectly met; run yarn explain peer-requirements <hash> for details, where <hash> is the six-letter p-prefixed code
⤠YN0000: â Completed in 0s 385ms
⤠YN0000: â Fetch step
⤠YN0000: â Completed in 0s 829ms
⤠YN0000: â Link step
⤠YN0000: â ESM support for PnP uses the experimental loader API and is therefore experimental
⤠YN0000: â Completed in 0s 380ms
⤠YN0000: Done with warnings in 1s 875ms
Hi Arun,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
These are warnings and they shouldn't influence run of the application so you can ignore these warnings for now. We will check these warnings in more detail and will include the fix for it in the next releases.
You can build theme assets with gulp command, refer to Buld assets section in our docs.
Let me know if you will need any further help on this.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team