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Tag: Metronic (1397)

I see this documentation. javascript the child line is getting by position, but I want to get the real line by the id, both of the parent and the child.did you have a example or suggestion?
Hello,I have bought the Metronic theme a few months ago and I want to develop a project with it on a server with PHP 7.4 so I need a version with Laravel 8 and not with Laravel 9. However on my Envato account I do not have the possibility to download previous versions of Metronic.Is it possi...
Hello,I downloaded the Demo1 source for VueJs, however I couldn't compile it, may I ask your help?Node: 16.14.2npm: 8.5.0Metronic: 8.1.2When I run the command npm run start, it comes the following error by the end of compilation:12 problems (12 errors, 0 warnings) like this:[es...
I'm downloading the Metronic site template (v8.1.2) from themeforest and one of the files, the style.bundle.css, can't be minified as the minified file is generated with errors. We've tried some online minifying tools and all give errors. We're coming from v8.0.37 and there the same file can be mini...
We want to use the theme in our multiple projects for multiple clients. Please you can confirm shall we proceed with the standard license or do we need any custom license
Hi guys, I have a project with Metronic 8.1.0 demo1 Vue version and I what to upgrade to the new version 8.1.2, how I can do that? What files I need to copy from the new version to the old one?Thanks.
Hi!I look for a theme that has a UI kit for Figma included.I liked to the theme "Metronic" ( but, I have a question:If I buy this theme (Metronic),...
Anyone can help me to separate frontend and backend routes in Metronic laravel version?Thanks !
when i scroll in your demo everything works fine and some styling is added in the card header class, i guess this is added to the header to resize and take up the space as it should beim gonna add a video showing the problem
I tried to build an app using VueJS and Laravel And InertialJS but nothing works as expected.I added both scripts.js and plugins.js before ending body tag but none of template JavaScript functionality works. For example the dropdown on user avatar not working.Thanks
I have tried to add apexchart to a page.However, when I copied the code from Apexchart demo and put in the target file.I got this error Uncaught ReferenceError: KTUtil is not defined.Here is the direct link to the file
Hello, I would like a license clarification in the following scenarios:1) One End product on a fixed URL domain. SaaS schema, clients pay a license to have access.I understand I required one extended license, regardless of the number of clients.2) Same product, but now deployed On-Premi...
Hi there,I am trying to implement a Date picker for react, because I don't seem to find it in the docs. I have added the Flatpicker react version that is used in the HTML theme from here: you please guide me how to add the same styling that is al...
Hi keenthemes,the default build successfully built RTL didn't successed, here's the log : thoughts ?NB : did all from scratch, get the new 8.1.2 folder ready, no node mudules, install npm, yarn on tools ... everythin...
Im having trouble with vue version of metronic 8, I need to activate a menu link dynamically into the code, I was trying to do so with Menucomponent.ts but I can't find into the public api some method to activate the menu item.Please can you help me, can you il...
Hi there,even though i am using the same code , form repeater is not working you guys pls provide the solution for this?
Hello in the ASP Core version, regardless of which plugins are used, almost all JS is loaded in EVERY ASP MVC view Can you please only load the Dependencies via dynamics JS, so only those view/page dependency items are loaded. Or, at least give us an option to reduced t...
Hi Dev,I'm using your Metronic theme with laravel , I'm using the html version and added to my laravel project , because your demos not all demo is available with laravel , Now when I'm open admin pages it's appear as many files is missing and very very slow open page, can pls check below link i...
Hi SeanStruggling how to apply this: / Background:I have previously used jquery-ui autocomplete and custom built ajax to pull results based on server-sql queries, using LIKE function.BUT it's unclear if there is an...
Hi team , Metronic build is not working when I am trying to serve is from my local .it is showing a blank screen and Metronic logo Loading ...used following command as per instruction : serve -s build -l 5000